Feminism has utterly destroyed the value of aging women and it’s hysterical to watch

Feminism has utterly destroyed the value of aging women and it’s hysterical to watch.

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>old roastie opinion

it's an evolutionary imperative for older men to seek out younger mates, but it's also an evolutionary imperative for those younger wives to have a higher propensity for infidelity due to the inevitable end result of the pairing
it is one of man's most animal traits, and a source of endless mirth for me when someone whines about it

I'm a roast
Eat some toast
Not to boast
A massive host

Dane Cook got completely kiked by his own "family," and pretty much vanished ever since. Kind of a whiplash considering you couldn't walk three feet down the street without hearing someone quoting one of that faggot's "jokes" twenty years ago.

Based and beautiful

dane cuck looks like he smokes meth

You spelled social media wrong

way to go dane, you unfunny fucking hack.
but damn she's got a nice body.


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omg he's literally a pedophile for marrying a 23 year old


>Oh my god! why isn't he proposing to me
I'm sure you rejected him. I know its unthinkable, but why don't women just ask out and propose men? Afraid they'll say no? best to live alone, with cats, sipping shity wine.

>caked up roastie jelly
this is why theyre so easy

wtf fuck off retard go gossip about jewllywwod on tmz

That's why its an evolutionary imperative for a village to stone its adulterous women.

It takes a village.

is he the kool-aid guy? i was born in 91 and i literally barely know who that name is

What can be done to solve the infert problem?

Attached: inferts.jpg (6000x6735, 3.98M)

Who took the photo tho?? Imagine having a photographer ready ffs

i’d say “good for him” if it weren’t fucking dane cook.

And she going leave your ass for a black man,
Come on girl, come on get down
Come on girl, come on get down

My entire life growing up I've watching young girls turn me down while baning boomers.
You see this right happen after college, you can watch all these hot girls graduate, dump their fratchad boyfriends and a year or two later they're shacking up with their boomer managers or bosses on the new job. Nurses fucking doctors. Paralegals fucking law firm owners...

Women seek out older men for long term marriage thinking he's already established and she can just waltz into an easy life, they know they do. They get jealous of others when it works out for them and it doesn't work out for roastie because the rich older men will NOT settle for anything other than a 10/10 sorority stacy tier girl.

I wish women would own up to their own behavior on this but we know they never will.

The only people pissed about this never had a shot with either of them to begin with.

Congratulations Mr.Cook
Best of luck

>wait until a woman is of age before beginning relations
>two consenting adults doing things
>suddenly what two consenting adults do is twitters business