Vaxxer Hope?

Bros I'm vaxxed. No booster but both jabs, pfizer... is there hope or am I dead. Any solutions.

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most likely got saline. (salt water)
Was there any inflammation on the injection site?


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Even if your body doesn't die. You betrayed your own humanity and you are dead on the inside.

ngmi on those grounds alone

Sorry friend even NAC every day cant help you, just finnish all the things you have to do before your body starts to fail

You have 10 years left to live

You need to beat malenia with no summons now frogbro. It's the only way.

Get some Nicotine. Pic related.
Also some people say NAC helps.

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Have you tried applying for a refund?

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You’ll probably be okay, just know you’re immune system is under water compared to how it was before the shots.

Make sure to get a good amount of victim D and be extra careful to avoid anyone with COVID — you’re system will be underprepared to fight new variants because the vaccine doesn’t provide immunity to the whole virus, just the spike protein.

>Any solutions
9mm to the head

if you havent experienced serious side effects by now you're probably going to be fine, might have got a saline batch. Probably...

nope u got the nano bots and the mRNA activation. good luck in the future

Sorry dude. There was a thread about zeolite and caffeine suppositories, but honestly two fucking times?

You will never have a proper functioning immune system. You have no T cells, you can't fight cancer, you have no immunity. You are an NPC twisted by mRNA and media into horribly weakened and defunct version of your former self.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back the unvaccinated mock you. We are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “unvaxxed friends” laugh at your poor decision making behind closed doors.

Purebloods are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed our immune systems to destroy pathogens with incredible efficiency. Even those who have “vax regret” are now an abomination unto Mother Nature.
Your persistent cough, shingles and eczema is a dead giveaway and even if you manage to hide it with mask and clothes, people will know what lies beneath is barren, diseased and infected.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the realisation of the biggest mistake you ever made in your life creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under its unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - if you don't go back for yet another booster to buy yourself a few more weeks of pitiful life you’ll buy a rope instead, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss.

Your pureblood friends will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to watch you live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of destroying your own life like a mindless sheep being led to its slaughter.

They’ll burn you, making sure none of your misfolded proteins escape into nature and taint the pristine Earth.
All that will remain of your legacy and virtue signalling is that picture you uploaded to social media, smiling and clutching your free donut.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. There are no refunds.

The worst thing you can do is panic OP. Eat some 200 grams of cheese to make you calm

Farewell and adieu to you dear Spanish ladies.
Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain.

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This, OP wasn’t here for the vaccine cheese threads

What is your batch # on you Medical ID card. I can check for you real quick.
Pfizer fag here

No one cares. The average human lives just 4000 weeks. Chances are you have just 2500 weeks left. What are you going to accomplish in those weeks? Would you rather worry about vaccines or would you rather do everything possible to remove parasitic kikes from power?

How did it work in Australia? Did they not put you guys into camps or something

I'm afraid there isn't much hope for you. You will live in shame on your knees till they decide it's your time to die

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Camp got trialled in Queensland i think. We really didn't hear much of it.

>when Australian shitposting stops for a moment and he sits you down to have a serious talk

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I got vaxxed and I just deadlifted 500 lbs. I havent maxed squats but I rep 365 after nursing a knee injury. I also bench 275 for reps and run a 13 minute 2 mile. I'll let you know if I start to die before I get to the ripe old age of 80 but as of now I feel pretty good. I think the vaxx shit is a kosher topic kikes want you to wrap yourself up in so you dont threaten their power with direct action.

Remember when Ukraine kicked off and there were 0 covid threads? It's a 100% astroturfed topic and these threads only came back after things slowed down in Ukraine. Shill farms routinely switch gears like that.

No refunds

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I was genuinely asking since I kept seeing all this info on it and I believed that it was all bs for the most part but part of me got worried...

Our Jewish Preimer built a concentration camp which costs hundred million and it only houses 6 people so far. I guess her cousin is CEo id the company that built and maintains it.

Here she is doing her part

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i noticed that too. I think the taiwan thing is an attempt as well. to make voters forget about the economy. the left and media are in collusion to manufacture the headlines.