What's their fucking problem?

What's their fucking problem?
They look like big dogs but act as hood niggers

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what breed of dog is that?

Its all the fault of systemic specism.

You should open your house to them.

Kek. You made me laugh, have a bump

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at least you didnt live when these mf were the apex predator

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>most aggressive and violent bear is the white one

The Bear has left the cave.
The gloves have come off.

Bears are certified hood niggers. They steal, don't give a shit, and would kill you without remorse for practically anything ir for no reason at all, just because.

also, not all bears are ass holes. This cute little thing just eats bamboo all day even though they have a carnivorous dietary system.

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Sorry, no Bear can be bro-tier.

I always wondered if you fed the sloth, koala & red panda chicken,fish & beef, how would they react?

Would they become more ferral?

Firstly this belongs on or Secondly black bears aren't dangerous as long as you make your presence known. Go outside.

Sun bears always look like a guy in a bearsuit

Not even a bear.

Fairly sure i could take a bear one on one in a fistfight
Fuck bears, and fuck niggers too

this is a tortoise

Black skin translucent fir

>nobody posted these yet

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i know id like to hunt bear. any of you cunts do that?

I, for one, am all in favor of the right to bear arms

You know this is fake right

Well they are black

amurrican burr

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Pandas are actually closer to racoons than bears
Black bears are the betas of beardom. Often get bullied by other species of bears in the wild
Grizzly bears will charge you on site and attempt to eat your soft warm insides
Polar bears will kill you just for the fun of, not used to seeing creatures roaming on land often
Kodiak bears are smaller and less aggressive versions of grizzly bears, but faster

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Based animal equity believer

Is this the so famous and elusive McBear?

Fucking runebears.

>That one Russian movie with superhero werebear