Are they even the same race? How does evolution branch off like that?

Are they even the same race? How does evolution branch off like that?

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you really don't know jack shit about history do you?
making a thread like this just embarasses your ancestors

All sons of god. VIVA LAS ESPAÑAS.

>the "castiza" woman in the bottom right is literally a French woman who just happened to grow up in Mexico
Why are spics so dishonest? I've been to Sinaloa, supposedly the most castizo area of Mexico, and most fuckers there are barely indistinguishable from the mestizos and injuns in Mexico City.

I have never once met a Castizo in my life

Also Guillermo Del Toro and that red haired boxer are literally just pure blooded Spaniards. There's nothing castizo about them. I get that you want to be white really badly, OP, but there's no need to lie.

is this shit very important to talk about it in Any Forums? for me, i don't.


>Are they even the same race?
Yes they're both mutts.

That's because the difference between a mestizo and a castizo isn't as noticeable as OP would want you to think. You probably have met some people that are genetically more Spanish than indigenous, but you probably just mistook them for mestizos, as most normal people would. OP is just another Mexican with an inferiority complex (many such cases.)

>Are they saem race??
Holy shit Mutt...

Yes, you unggoy.

This is the father and brother of the red haired mexican boxer.

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Isnt castizo just a full blooded Spaniard born outside of Spain?

I'll never understand Latin American race politics. It's okay to be a Latino; there's no reason to do these mental gymnastics to convince yourself that you're a HUWITE MAN. I don't think they'd be ready for that kind of responsibility anyway

No, that is a Criollo, a castizo is 3/4 White 1/4 Indian.

Sick, I’m castizo then, dads full blooded white mom is half Mexican.

No Castizo is about 75% European, 25% indigenous.

Not so fast, Juan.

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I'm whiter than Canelo and I don't identify as white because my grandma is indian. I could change my name, try to fit in a white society but I'd never be comfortable, because my white mom didn't raise me and I'm raised Chicano. I have small bits of African and Jew ancestry anyway. So I'm ok with my jente. No wannabe white cope from me or my kids.

I'm Italian, criollo Spanish Mexican and Irish. What does that make me? Besides extremely good looking

I guess I stand corrected on the boxer. But that phenotype is incredibly uncommon on castizos. Go to Sinaloa, I guarantee you that most people there will look like more like his father and brother.
I don't get it either, and every fucking spic is like this. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I've had Dominicans that are as black as night try and tell me about about all their supposed European ancestors. I wonder if they realize just how cringey it looks to the rest of us?

Dios mio...

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I'm good looking too, Nordic looking mom and curly headed Latin dad. Fuckin aye bro. Latinos are the best.