Mother's have begun to buy prostitutes for their white male incel sons as a way to slow down mass shootings

>Mother's have begun to buy prostitutes for their white male incel sons as a way to slow down mass shootings

>mother to a 21-year-old
>son was too socially inept to organically have sexual relations
>paying a prostitute to take his virginity
>the man also was open with his mother on the sex he wanted to experience, and the type of pornography he enjoys
>fears of her son becoming an "incel" due to sexual repression
>There’s a danger in socially isolated white males, with their obsessive tendencies, being exposed to misogynistic porn.
>overrepresented among "incels" who are known for their anti-women views and mass shootings.

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based mommy

This video is uncanny and makes me uncomfortable

I am a virgin too! I want to do a mass shooting unless I get a hooker too!!

Taking your son to a hooker isn't a new idea, but it should really be done by his father

You must be gay.

Sex won't solve their problem. The problem is no one will ever love them because they are social pond scum.


I've used them, they don't help that much. I'd rather have a purpose in life than another 10 hookers to fuck.

based and auschwitz pilled

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stop reading Boy's Abyss

Says the Any Forums poster/bot/vpn kike


burgers don’t have fathers

If i was the son. I would have punched the mom in the face and dragged the prozzi out by her hair.
maintaing virginity and ignoring whores is a superpower.
Use your energy to lift and fight.

Pic related is me. I'm 24 and still a virgin. It's a choice. Women disgust me.

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So are most women

sort of true, only about 20% of incels are truly unfuckable to women, if you are a 22 year old incel, set your profile to 36 on tinder match with women in the 34-42 range, and could just bang them.

sure they have hit the wall whatever and are now desperate, but hey, the pussy is there for plundering, just dont get trapped.

The real incel crisis is the lack of whores love and marriage, not the abundance.

>not gathering with the mothers of other "incel sons" to organize a mother-son orgy

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Tell your son to buy his own hooker
Jesus fucking Christ
Talk about a spoiled brat.

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Sorry I meant >isn't< the lack of whores.

Built for BBC

fuck off shlomo

That won't stop the homicidal urges, the boy needs to find a purpose in life and become a man. Not every guy relies on sex or family.

You are not gay?

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this is a very good thing
I lost my virginity to a prostitute at age 18
I highly encourage mothers to do this, incel terrorism is a national security threat, and prostitution is a very easy, very positive fix

You have to ask yourself if you had fucked a girl yesterday, would your life be any different today? Just assume everything is the same, but you fucked a hooker. Sex is important but the reason people are mad is because society is completely fucked and no one has any 'place' due to the number of jobs that actually pay decent money being limited to the top echelons of boomers.

Its because you're a faggot right?

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Dude u trully lift
I wish i would be like you instead im lazy fucker and have been with my GF 9years

Having sex changes nothing
What stops men from acting out against their oppressors is actual love
"Incels" make these attacks because they have no one to leave behind, no friends to shame their beliefs, and are easily accessible/manipulated by groomers

Angelina Jolie was caught doing this for her adopted sons. She was a pedo because she would watch. She also manages their tinder accounts.
t. knows Brad's bodyguard

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Nice wrists manlet

Don't Japanese mothers cut out the middleman?

After you fuck a hooker you feel good for like 5 minutes then you're back to your old self.