>conveniently forget China pushed back a UN led coalition with ww2 vets, and naval/air superiority just by zerg rushing mutts until they gave up

I don’t think the conflict would go as well as you think it would.

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It's a lot easier to kill them now that we have our late-game army.

She came she saw she conquered. Cope and seethe.

The US reached the final tier years ago, China is only going to get closer
Better to hit them now

too bad you failed the nigger horde endgame crisis and face an demographic game over

And the final tier consists of this?

Attached: 1636847733739.jpg (1125x1500, 543.46K)

The best military in the world coming off a heroic world victory and developing the nuclear bomb wasn’t easy enough?

HAha they would totally great us as liberators and not invaders guys we couldn't keep a nation of goat fuckers in line but we'll take control of the largest population in the world what could go wrong faggot.

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Cope seethe and dilate mutt.

China has replacement level birth rates and their men are all incels. Wasting people which they can't replace is not wise at all

digits for bombs on amerika soil

No North Korea, US failed in that aspect

>chink copium thread

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Only thing they deserve is complete annihilation, except the rednecks in Montana and Wyoming. Maybe Vermont. They are kinda ok.

Norks have more balls than chinks.

Point not refused because you know it’s true. It’s too easy for them

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There are debuffs for being in the end game too long

Why not wish for the golem to be saved instead?

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What? Form a coherent sentence you coping chink, youre weak and so is chinka

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Didn’t they just ambush a weakened American convey that just got done pushing the NORK’S shit in????

China has a history of just waiting for someone else to do all of the work for them, then attack the victor of the conflict.

>late-game army
>9 diversity-friendly points have been added to your account

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China is a seething dicklet of evil.

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This much cope LOL

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Can you post more blacked Chinese, need it for ny collection.

MacArthur was right.

About 80 million Americans wish a war would be on our soil. Fucking please.
>civilians can't fight, its against the geneva convention
Lol ok

You're effeminate retarded faggots,you'll do nothing and like it

conveniently forgetting the US won that war, and that to defeat China they would have needed to leave Europe wide open to the soviets while the American public had no intention of going through with another full mobilization.

>asshurt insecure amerigoy shows up and spam the same webm
Right on time

>heroic world victory
Kill yourself.

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Airpower has gotten a hell of a lot better since then.

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>Zerg rush
You forgot that due to one child policy, this skill was banned.

America would have won if they let Patton use nukes like he wanted

PVA was all Chinese

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>China pushed back a UN led coalition with ww2 vets, and naval/air superiority just by zerg rushing mutts until they gave up
We ran out of ammo.
We filled entire valleys with bodies, but there were so many Chinks we couldn't shoot them all.

They weren't even well supplied, the first lines would fall, and the lines behind them would strip the dead of their coats, ammo, and guns & keep coming.

By the time we hit the S. Korean border, we were resupplied again, and were able to kill enough of them to stop them. They knew this too, and stopped the zerg, as they had already lost an enormous number of men.

Chinks are unsurpassed as oceans of meat targets, and they won't stop coming because they have shitty lives, anyway, but that's really the only "strategy" they have.

If we were at war with China at the time, and seriously wanted to destroy them as a country, we would have nuked their cities and armies, as this is the only real way to win against them.
They are just too numerous.

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China annihilated there best army in that fairly pointless zerg rush, that army had been training to invade and take Taiwan, but that was the end of that dream.
They got the eternal disappointment of the Nork's instead.

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Yes please use the same tactics can’t wait to see the aftermath of millions of chinks being thrown into the slaughter

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You mean MacArthur. Patton died in '45

>died in '45

You mean Macarthur, can't tell if trolling or just a muttucation moment.

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He's just a retarded mutt

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That, or gas/bio weapons. Would have been super enethical, and pinko's would never go for it, but nerve gas vs. zerg rush is super effective.

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You do understand that the Korean War is 100% the reason Taiwan is still independent today, right? The PLA army group north the best, most veteran army of the CCP and the only one trained in amphibious operations and had just recently conquered hainan island with a mere 5k casualties against 35k nationalist casualties, got completely and utterly destroy to the point it had to be reconstituted in it’s entirety. The Korean War was an epic strategic mistake by Mao.

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Is that actually real???? Fuckin hell man, that's just sad

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I love how slow motion this

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