I think I just realized something Any Forums

I think I just realized something Any Forums

The thing that really separates the left and the right in their trains of thought. It has nothing to do with any specific line being drawn in the middle of the social issues, nor of the economic issues. Neither does it have anything to do with hierarchy. There is no specific place in the political compass you can point to and say “this is the divising line between left and right”. It is instead something that is rooted within how a person views the world, their methodology for finding truth, and I think I have figured it out. It lies in the age old philosophical debate between empiricism and rationalism. Right wingers are rationalists, meaning they believe the truth can be found through logic and reason alone. Left wingers are empiricists, meaning they think the truth can be found through objective facts and statistics alone. And by choosing one methodology over the other, people are more likely to end up believing in one set of beliefs over another.

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Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana

Okay but how does this hot fact reconcile with the racial question and the wealth of data avaiolable which the leftist generally believes erronous based on bad vibes alone?

bro that's so stupid, you make me wanna leave this site for good

you need to be 18 to be here, leave

It’s good and evil, user. Truth and falsehood, light and darkness. I started as a leftist cuz of my parents and school. But luckily my parents put my in a catholic school first, so I got some seed of the word that took like 15 years to sprout and save me from the brink

>Left wingers are empiricists, meaning they think the truth can be found through objective facts and statistics alone.

>y chromosomes

heh that dude has a hairy ballsack for a head. you forgot a testicle genius

No retard, it's that the right thinks there's such thing as "over educated" and then glorify the idea of being dumber than a sack of hammers.

Sis... stfu

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How to defeat gentile.
Make arbitrary bullshit teams, make one "team" attack the other.
You are now relegated to bullshit teams and fighting amongst yourselves instead of jews.

Sure buddy. Remember to trust the Science, wear the mask and take the shots.

meth-odology to find the truth?

check brotherhood links of jews
> relgion : zero
> blood : zero
> language : zero
> race : zero
> history : zero
> culture : zero

multiply this by number of demonic practice reports & rabbis organ trafficking in NY
multiply that by their political stance which are systematically for whites (anti racism, gays, subhuman floods)

thus suspect them of every evil imaginable for their every move in the future

No modern leftist is an “empiricist” by any stretch of the imagination.

That's not even remotely close to being true. The Enlightenment and the veneration of human reason has always been thought of as a left-wing movement, and it had left-wing consequences everywhere it was implemented. Try again.

I want everyone browsing this thread to know.

When I made this OP, I knew full well that there were many holes in my logic. The left and the right don’t fit into either empiricism or rationalism perfectly. Instead, my intentions were to post an idea, and the intentions behind posting said idea was to make you all think. And perhaps you can take my idea and turn it into something even greater and more perfect. If there are any things you can take from my post, let it be this.
>A persons methodology for finding the truth will be effecting the truth they arrive at
Now if we can adequately figure out the most common “methodologies” behind people in any quadrant of the political compass, perhaps we can find a better way to categorize people through it. And no, it will not be something extremely simple like “hurrr the right loves facts and logic and the left runs on feelings”

Imagine if we categorized people basic on methodology, and not based on result. And with their methodology, we can accurately predict what their result will be.

The difference between left and right is the left tend to virtue signal and push things that lead to helping others instead of themselves or people near them. The right tend to be more selfish except to those within their own groups.

90% of people want a comfortable life with money and the path of least resistance. 9% want power and status, so they are willing to work hard for it. 1% want a simple virtuous life.
Rough estimate but politics are mostly about the 9% satisfying the 90% to win votes. Caring about politics is a pointless affair if you live in a democracy, so for your own sake stop trying to make sense of it.

left vs right is actually subjectivism vs objectivism

No. Right and Left divide stems from individualism/collectivism. Or in other words, capitalism vs socialism. Do you believe in individual rights and freedom or not?

This is not an axiom.

But to answer your question, I do believe in individual rights and freedom.

>Left wingers are empiricists, meaning they think the truth can be found through objective facts and statistics alone.
Lol no. They don't give a FUCK about truth, or finding it.
The real difference between right and left is that rightists believe in dealing with reality as it is, and leftists think they can change reality if they pretend it's what they want it to be.

>. It is instead something that is rooted within how a person views the world, their methodology for finding truth, and I think I have figured it out.
Very astute user and I believe you are correct.

I add only that I personally belief *emotion* is the deciding factor too and emotional attachments and emotional satisfaction drive people into certain groups and ideologies
How many liberals are just mad at their conservatives parents so they choose an opposing group?
How many conservatives are mad at their liberal ex girlfriends so they go hardcore into politics to prove her wrong?

That sort of emotional thinking seems to be driving force behind the divide.

Try again.

But what about people who think you can't find the truth, like deeply religious people?

This is so wrong it's hilarious. You must be autistic.

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"Over educated" means a dipshit thinks their zero world experience opinion is worth a fuck because they have a piece of paper on the wall.

No amount of IQ statistics or study of genetics will get a leftist to admit the negro race is inferior to all others.

Ergo they do not rely only on science, they rely on feelings and bullshit.

They will not even admit admixture of different subspecies of human, even though this is common knowledge now.