Do you have a Source?!?

As academia becomes more and more left leaning, every time you find a new source it will be increasingly politically slanted.

How will it be possible to have a debate then?

My take is that "scientific" sources on political or controversial subjects cant be trusted, since the scientific method has been tampered with.

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Be friendly, polite, and ask where you can find the peer reviewed papers so you can finally "shut those bigots' up". IF they find one, it will be by a shrink. Ask for one written my medical doctors so you can finally shut those bigots' up.

Even if you have a source, you need to be a scientist in that exact that field for your point to be valid. And even if you are that, you cannot go against the concensus. So there is no winning.

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>As academia becomes more and more left leaning
Whatever you say is based on a false premise. Every single area of research aside from humanities (lol) is dominated by white, jewish and chinese men, as is expected.

You think discussing will change sth?
How old are you?

Yea that's true.
If lefties were intelectually honest then they would be ok with going over the methodology of those studies which are flawed more often than not.
That would imply people still having the patience to do that.

You cant change the mind of the person you're debating, but you can change the mind of the people observing the debate.

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One of the main drives of modern extremism is that the left broadly rejects dialogue with the right.

The left claims subjects are academic rather than political, and gate keeps conservatives academically wherever they fail to do so politically.

I never went to university because I was thrown out of school for publicly denouncing transgenderism, my liberal peers went on to university to study a pro transgender ideology as if it were a science, they now teach transgenderism as a fact to children.

There's no room for dialogue any more, if the left discredits our views they will simply face our actions

And do you think these men are allowed to study and publish on any controversial topic?
Like in germany, if the cookie monster has 5 ovens, how long time it would take him to bake 6 million cookies

Is it that bad even in Australia? Damn.
Is university free there or do you have to pay for it?

Just rely on older sources user. Most academic works from the 1970s prior (given they are not Marxist), are far less pozzed and contain much repressed wisdom. Go to a library with age, dive deep into it, and take notes of authors and books you think are interesting and possibly less pozzed.

There will be copies of them on Amazon. At least for most books made from about 1950-1980. Libraries get cleaned out by scalpers and they go into the ether for cheap prices.

Take science for example, (((Asimov))) was liberal. But he was a mushy, 'objective' liberal without the baggage of modern leftists. Most of what is in his non-fiction will still be mostly true unless proven otherwise.

Otherwise, just dig into wikipedia to find old scholars in certain topics, and earlier movements Pre-Cultural Marxism to read into that are not in vogue. The Hippies displaced a vast amount of knowledge in the Boomer takeover of the economy that rots on shelves.

>History Major who enjoyed a little too much a library collection going back to the 1860s.

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Science says this is a woman. Check mate.

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Grear tip! And i totally agree, that you have to learn about the findings on a subject before it became tabu.

But if you use that as a source, people will complain that its too old, and they didnt know any better at the time.

200 million americans are on SSRI's because "trust the science" New studies have shown that SSRI's have absolutely no effect above a placebo.

How many of those 200 million americans will immediately stop using SSRI's in light of new evidence? Zero, because it was never about science, it was always about conflict of interests and authority and fitting in.

And thr drug companies ability to make money.

This is a bot

The jew fear the research article that contradicts his nonsense.

Seriously, you threw a giant temper tantrum about this once.

What is “science”?
New doco coming in September

Yes that would be the CONFLICT OF INTEREST part.

When soi-warriors ask for sources, they are asking for publications that have been written by the companies who would directly profit from said result. If there are no publications available from the companies involved that go against their own interest that you can point them to, then your argument will be discarded as null and void.

At least in regards to political/philosophical topics, most leftoids would also be relying, directly or indirectly, on works that are as old if not older.

Most SJW crap is rooted in the 1960s after all.

Science wise, the more dry, objective, and not related to biotech/computers it is, the more likely I'd reckon it is still relevant. Much of science too hasn't moved much in 50 years.