Here's your walkable city, bro

>here's your walkable city, bro

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Is this Brazil?

Imagine if they grew gardens on that, it would be pretty cool.

Looks comfy

a walkable city for ninja's maybe

brazilians are literally monkeys in cages!

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there will obviously be a massive fire that destroys all of that within the decade

>here's your transit oriented development, bro
>isn't it great we got rid of cars?

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that is not a city, that is a concentration camp for undesirables.

Fucking remarkable.

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How comfy would you feel sleeping there?

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Looks more walkable than this bullshit.

The overpasses don't even have sidewalks.

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India is such a shithole

It's too late to change any of that.

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>strawman the thread
What is the point of the sticky if people just blatantly partake in horrendous fallacies? It’s risible.

>1 million in 2 sq kilometers
>not a city
you may not like it, but this is what peak urban planning looks like. just look how human oriented it is. beautiful.

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I hate us

Best kind of walkable city imo.

don't like it? too bad, you fucking chud. the future is coming whether you like it or not. and it's fucking amazing and brave and everything.

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imagine if brazilian capitalists paid their labourers livable wages

Europeans figured it out without it turning into favelas, why can't we?

Looks fucking hellish user.

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Shut up, retard.

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maybe you have a skill issue

Bump for answers.

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>nothing but one suburb after another with nothing but detached single family homes spanning as far as the eye can see

grim, why would anyone bother going outside?

>don't want to live in a giant parking lot?
Heh, you must like favellas.

Ironic. That’s not a walkable city. It’s just housing.

At least there's no cars.

why would anyone want to live in a city? are you a faggot?

imagine all of the profit capitalists will lose though, they need inflated land values, and high density housing doesn't allow for that

only fat people think this isn't heavenly. it's okay to use your legs. if you lived here you wouldn't even need to walk that much, because there is no zoning. wouldn't you love to live above a machine shop and next door to your employer?

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>I heard you like commieblocks bro
Also r8
I live and walk here every day lol.

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Certainly not in their present iteration, unless you're a fucking multi-millionaire.

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Where hearts are entertaining June?

Probably because they work in the city and dont want to waste 2-3 hours of their life every fucking day travelling from work to home and back in the suburbs?

That's 15 hours a week, 60 hours a month, 720 hours a year, of your life, wasted, gone, you're never getting it back, spent on travelling to the place you need to be to earn money so you can live.

Mildly amusing.

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at this point Id rather live in a complete shithole like this, but free from government and around my own people

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in 2022, all major cities in the US are 'brazil'
violence, diversity, tent city/favelas

it's glorious.

soooooooo fucking comfy man. just like my doomer videos!

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The level of cope we are on now, everyone who lives in the city is a faggot.
>inb4 yes
I live in the safest, greenest city in the world and I am having a great time

you can walk anywhere... 2 km east or west

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does it have google street view? i want to get an in depth tour of this amazing walkable city!

Ground view for clarity and sheet

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>are you a faggot?
no I'm not Canadian.

This niggas ain't got no employer

Nah, it's the other side of the "all rural people are inbred hicks" coin.
i'm sure living in an upscale part of a city when you're young and single would be great.

but as you get older you really start to appreciate rural living. (and by rural i mean actually rural.. not the checkerboard consisting of 2 acre plots with mcmansions on them.)

Where is that?

Not sure.

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It would be the other way around, geriatrics don't have it in them to maintain sizable rural properties. You simply do not see 60, 70, and 80 year olds taking up recreational landscaping.

is this russia