Dindu nuffin shoots man in the neck over cold McDonald’s French fries

>“I looked, and I seen a boy on the ground, and then I saw my son running the other way. I called 911, and then I sat there and waited.”

>When asked if her son had a gun, the mom said she didn’t know, adding, “I don’t even know if my son did that,” referring to the shooting.


>Aye sheit nigga I’m gon bust a cap in yo ass fo giving my mom cold fries

This is everything wrong with the black community. Fat niggers complaining over cold fries, trigger happy niggers shooting eachother, and irresponsible parents who don’t know how to “parent”. Oh really, you didn’t know your son had a gun? Bullshit.

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I wonder if whites will ever grow some balls and face their problems.

>just kid a job faggot
t. Boomer

Just think what they will be capable of when ebt cards stop working

Disrespect people and find out.

are you saying that we need to do a genocide to clean up the mess made by jewish slave traders

You tell me burger, what are you doing about these Niggers?

What will happen when all white people finally realize how stupid and violent niggers really are?

>“I looked, and I seen a boy on the ground
Modern people still speak like it is the 4th century.

That woman raised that boy to die.
It's her fault.

We should have sent them back to Africa when we had the chance. In pine fucking boxes too.

the dead man appears to be black thus making it not our problem

Its genetic.
Melanin is a precursor to dopamine.
African genes prime the human for dopamine dysregulation leading to violence. (((They))) know this and inject these people into countries whose growth is threatening.

only in amerika


This was nastiest weapon of globohomo franchise. Now everyone is a fucking princess. Back during the manufacturing economy a store would tell them to fuck off.

This Chang bot is broken.

If you read the article the mom absolutely caused this. She had 1 gorillion opportunities to leave and walk away but she want led more and more fries. Then called her son when they laughed at her. She knew what would happen

>Dindu nuffin shoots man in the neck over cold McDonald’s French fries
Vid shows a nigger got shot, not a human.
Nothing of value was lost.

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>Dindu on dindu crime
Nuffin like it

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Nigger fragility

We both know the answer to this. Cmon now. It’s clearly no. Whites WILL go extinct, this has been proven this past decade, hell this has been proven since the inception of america let alone ww2 where whites collectively killed whites trying to free them from jews. Whites are a dying breed and they deserve it. They have no balls.

> We both know the answer to this. Cmon now. It’s clearly no. Whites WILL go extinct, this has been proven this past decade, hell this has been proven since the inception of america let alone ww2 where whites collectively killed whites trying to free them from jews. Whites are a dying breed and they deserve it. They have no balls.

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black people take mcdonald's incredibly serious. i once watched a fat black woman get into it with a shift manager because she received a sausage biscuit instead of a sausage muffin, it went on for over 10 minutes. what lawns are to white people is what mcdonald's is to black people

Sounds like the McDonald's workers were taking the piss. Mother fucker got what the fuck was coming to him. Little pissant.

>niggers killing niggers
Literally not my problem

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Read the article. Wagie had it coming.

Loser employees think it’s funny to not do their job and pick on someone’s mother. Then the dumb mf goes looking for trouble and found it. Now that’s funny.

Start also arresting parents for their children’s crimes if they are under 18. Not joking

>face their problems.
>the dead man appears to be black thus making it not our problem
The murder victim was black. But this could just as easily have happened to a white victim, asian victim, hispanic, etc. It happens every day.

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Does anyone really want blacks preparing their food anyway? Do you ever think of what they are doing to it behind the counter?

Attached: When Blacks prepare your food.webm (270x480, 1003.24K)

kike post

French Fries French Fries
Gets shot and dies!

A normal person would have seen that the employees didn’t care, and would have contacted corporate and probably gotten a shit ton of free food coupons to use at a different location. This later calls her son to come defend her and escalates the situation eventually to violence. Every single time.

I call for the genocide of both niggers AND kikes.

He did good