

Attached: AHAHAHA.jpg (1205x750, 197.62K)

Press R for Respect

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I was amazed to learn there's a white liquor store owner left in California. I've literally never seen that, and I'm 40.

Filthy nigger should have died.

that's because you're a sheltered faggot.

Why is an old man managing a shop during a night shift Any Forums?

this man has spent years and years and decades not relaxing. He hasn't relaxed longer than I have been alive.

R :)

cry more thug nigger

Based ass old timer


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Is that really all it takes to scare away robbers...?
They out numbered that old fart but ran the moment he started shooting

>be nigger
>go rob store
>walk into store armed
>walk out unarmed
get it?

Taking care of business

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And he only shot once!

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are you a potter user?


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I don't get it. Did he trade his gun for booze?


Thought that was in my small town for a second
A local place just went out of business after 30+ years and I still don't know why

Most criminals are cowards and avoid conflict against anyone that fights back. Most burglars aren't the ones portrayed in films that will tie up their victims, they instead will try to target empty houses and run the moment they hear anyone.


R...but I have to ask...is that a woman or just an old guy who has made a poor hairstyle choice?

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>comes out disabled
well at least it was legit use of the handicapped space

this would make good doom sounds. needs to be a bit more low res tho and its perfect.

If he doesn't get to a hospital, he most likely will die, and if he does get to a hospital, he's going to be arrested.

Shotgun is a wonderful weapon.

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It's always a robber. Everytime.

Trannies are not a new phenomenon

Robber hesitated to shoot this stale cracker

Bmw getaway car.. figures

Citizens shouldn't have weapons of war!
This is just barbaric!
She should have peacefully handed over her money, and kept doing so every week, rather than shooting a future surgeon's arm off!

How will he hold a scalpel now?

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I do wonder what kind of bullets he was using

Probably a lightweight buckshot
I doubt he'd put a slug in it for fear of over penetration and hurting someone other than the assailant.

if you listen really close, his very last line is

he suffered a heart attack shortly after the shooting. he's in the hospital recovering.

So have they been caught yet? I'd assume they'd bring the nog to a hospital soon or he's toast. doubt they'd try some ghetto bootleg trauma surgery on their own..



the jogger dilemma

This made me chuckle sensibly

Keked but come on, is it really an old woman? It looks like it, and if so, the fucking based level will increase tenfold.

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>So have they been caught yet? I'd assume they'd bring the nog to a hospital soon or he's toast.
that is in fact what happened

I must've see this slide thread 30 times now.

Oh shut up

But how is that possible? Twitter told me assault guns are like legendary rarity weapons and do more dps so how can shotguns win? Also thats the reason why guns don't work vs tyrannical governments because their guns do more dps. Obvious fake by NRA.

>lightweight buckshot

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First time I've seen it.
Maybe you need to spend some time elsewhere.

looked like a pheasant load at best, i think it mostly scared the nigger and hurt, even #4 buck would have totally shred the arm muscles

google it


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>lightweight buckshot
You probably mean #4 buck not 00 Buck.

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