Mormons save the white race

>Using a “low growth” model of 2 percent per year for the next century, Koltko-Rivera calculates that Mormons will number more than 21 million worldwide by 2030 and more than 125 million by 2120.
>Yet Koltko-Rivera argues that the “high growth” model of sustained annual growth of 5.5 percent
is more likely, putting the global Mormon population at more than 24 million by 2030 and 2.6 billion by 2120.

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The Mormon birthrate is barely above replacement rate. Zoomer men aren’t asking girls on dates and bishops are starting to view it as an impending crisis. This gif might be realistic for the Amish, but definitely not for Mormons

t. Utah LDS member

>Koltko-Rivera’s book “The Rise of the Mormons: Latter-day Saint Growth in the 21st Century,” released in October, suggests “a more Mormon” country would be healthier, better educated, have more stable families and more concern for the poor and needy.

>3,4 per woman is barely above replacement rate

Mormans and the Amish are the only real white people

Mennonites are dope as fuck people. Healthy and live off the land, Ted K's literal dream. They only use SOME technology like mechanical things, they have fans powered by compressed gas so they don't use electricity.VRSMSG

Mormons include nonwhites, not that you need to or can save anything idiot

I’m so proud of Utah bros

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And less Jews and Blacks?

mormons are just jews by another name

Utah Elder here.
We'll soon need to matchmake these kids.
Got three daughters: 20, 18, and 15. Two oldest been stood up / ghosted by at least a dozen young men.
They promised their mom and I 15 grandkids each.

Mennonites are but we are talking about Mormons.

Mormons have 2.4-3 children on average and live to be 87. This means they are doubling every 20-30 years. There will be infinity Mormons by 2200.

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>black girl white guy
what the fuck is wrong with ugly fat inbred southerners

It's a tranny. They're always here to be trannies.

If exercise Jewish tribalism and in group preference for WHITES that’s a good thing.

Also watch how much inorganic shilling a thread about Mormons produces.

That and patriot front threads.

Nobody outside of LDS feels that strongly about Mormons.
Looks like they’re both over the target.

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If Mormons ***

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how dare they dont watched BLACKED and dogfart like us sophisticated coastals. cuckolidng is the intellectuals fetish after all!

Except the incoming water crisis is going to strangle the western United States.

oh great more brainwashed feds

Um user... those areas are mostly populated by niggers... I think Tyrone has some explaining to do...

Uh black girls are fun and in cities the white girls are more antiwhite than the black girls. Idk what to tell you.

I’ll take one of your daughters off your hands, sir.

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Tell them to hit me up on discord

According to that jpg, Wyoming is better and you can't convince me otherwise