Why is nobody talking about this?

In Spain, public buildings like restaurants and stores now cannot have their ACs set below 27°C, or 80°F, to "save energy" because of "muh Russia". Everyone is distracted by the plane landing that they're ignoring how everyone in a European country will have to sweat everywhere they go now
Also the president of Madrid is based

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the absolute state
im chillin at 69 F get roasted euros

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Like I work for a company that heavily relies on German Industry in NA

Like is my company gonna fold when there's no more product because the green power utopia fails?

I hate the fucking normies. They complain to everything.

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What happened to all that excess solar energy that the government couldn’t buy off the goyim?

What idiots would be running their heat in Spain right now?

That's 2 degrees hotter than it was today in England and even then it was fucking warm.
That's like having a huge hairdryer blowing at you.


Aside fron the reality of constantly being surrounded by enemies and stuff, I'm grateful Russia is our ally. I'm really cold in this room right now with my AC blasting.

I'm on holidays, not following the rest of retards here.
>27 Celsius on Cinemas
Top Kek, that's gonna be fucking insufferable. God bless Piratebay.

It's cooling, probably powered by turbines powered through natural gas.

Do you think your country will protest this law to try and change it?

69 degree bros, assemble. Wearing some comfy sweat pants and warm socks. My torso is getting a bit chilly though, considering putting on a sweater or getting a blanket.

Over 100 degrees outside btw.

We are literally all in the slaughter house. We watch them take the cattle out one by one but nobody does a damn thing. Fuck this (literally) gay world.

Eurocucks being Cucks whats new?

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It's 90°F here in FL. I have the house set to 68°F. A cold AC is truly the best feeling that a White person can feel in this day and age

I'm running an AC from now on just because they want people to kill them.

Who builds Armenian air conditioners? Yes I'm this autistic and want to know brand names.

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>That's like having a huge hairdryer blowing at you.
Kek its just called daytime in the South.

Nah, except for Ayuso everybody here is s cuck. Maybe Andalusians will start unironically dying of exhaustion and dehidration since 27 Celsius means actually like 38 there due to humidity, and some families will sue, but other than that people will suck off Sanchez Socialist dick like we did during COVID because we are a veritable 3rd World Shithole.

We are unironically Europe's Canada.
