What If China used a raft?

They could build a giant raft that would go all the way to Taiwan and then conquer them without using ships.

Attached: raft.png (952x822, 1022.94K)

A raft that big would be a ship.
Checkmate atheist

I just countered your offensive

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kek, what are these threads? they're hilarious

I am genuinely liking these threads, OP wasn't a fag today

why doesn't china just build a giant landfill between them and taiwan, it would only take a few weeks for them to be fully connected

A raft won't burn it's litterally on water you dummy

How about... 1000 3 Gorge dams?

What China got nuked? We could build a giant bomb that would go all the way to China and conquer them without using ships, or guns, or anything else for that matter.

Yes I like this idea, lets do this.

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What if they point their artificial sun at the water near Taiwan until it all dries up? Then they can walk across

why isn't China simply raising another Taiwan between the current Taiwan and the mainland?

Why dont they just build a giant wall around Taiwan? Both ends would be in China so it’d be legal. No ships enter and get out of the island so they’ll eventually starve out

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good stuff bumps

>it would only take a few weeks for them to be fully connected
Are they in a hurry?

The Romans tried this 2000 years ago

It worked

Attached: 3t5thyye4t6.jpg (736x617, 94.5K)

Why not pull Taiwan to the mainland with a thousand tugboats?

Okay but we're trying to see what can be accomplished with Chinese (read: bad) engineering

they need us for that

No, but everybody on it will.

Cant they hide a load of men and equipment in cargo containers to sneak them into Taiwan, they come out and take over the dock, get their shit together and start wrecking stuff to let the rest of the army in? If whores can survive in the cans I'm sure soldiers can.

The Romans were so fucking efficient it is incredible actually

How would China handle the resulting angry Taiwanese boy that wants to fuck his stepsister?

78 mile long raft?

Bridge of that size would probably DeForest the planet

I have heard that Romans discovered steam power but basically couldn't think or anything to use it for since they had a huge slave labour force. Imagine what could have been..

It is like 80 miles retard
Also the currents wouldn’t allow ‘rafting’.

I can't really say why but the fact that they had floating pile drivers to make the bridge foundation with is fascinating.
That would be a challenge to pull off even today using the materials they had at hand.


Yeah or they could declare covid outbreak in Taiwan and lock it down during pelosi’s meeting. Then do airlock and hold her hostage.

Imagine you could tweet something like that (but you can't). Would probably change the course of civilization after causing a huge mindfuck.

>what is Greek fire

We should nuke the marked area first, so water evaporates. Then we nuke surrounding areas so no new water is flowing in. Meanwhile we march our troops on the sea floor. We keep nuking surrounding ocean for an hour so that troops come through.

Hero of Alexandria built steam engine toys, but was a Greek. It never went beyond that in antiquity.

Genuine question. Why is everyone so fixated on naval invasion? Couldn't they just build airplanes that contain millions of paratroopers and drop them onto Taiwan?