/MOG/ - Monkeypox Outbreak General #136

25,008 cases in 78 countries
6 deaths (2 Spain, 1 Brazil, 1 India, 1 Ghana, 1 Peru)

>Monkeypox info and charts

>NTI Bio - 2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference

>Wikipedia page (most current case count):

>Regularly updated Twitter feed

>Massive database of news articles all relating to Monkeypox outbreak daily

>Charts and Statistics

>Monkeypox chart

>Genomic epidemiology of monkeypox virus

>Bioweapon research study: pneumonia + monkeypox = 50% fatality rate

>In February 2022, Virologica Sinica published a gain of function performed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology in August 2021 - Experimenting with Monkeypox

>US government orders $119 million dollars worth (13 million doses) of Monkeypox vaccine before the May 2022 outbreak began

>CDC websites says - Currently, there is no proven, safe treatment for monkeypox virus infection.

>SIGA Technologies gets UK approval for monkeypox drug

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>25,008 cases
Wasn't it 12k just a few weeks ago? Damn. We'll hit 50k in a month.

> page 8

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God damn what the fuck!? It was 600 new pozzed in one day yesterday! Faggots need to stop “making love” Jesus Christ.

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Serious question how the fuck did 4 different strains of this appear out of Africa in less than 2 months?

>6 deaths
lol, still only 6.
How many days has it been stuck at 6? Four days? Five days?

The Division©

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Current case count is actually 26,574 according to Wikipedia

It’s a GOF bioweapon

>Child tests positive for monkeypox in Long Beach

all modern diseases are engineered. every last one. they've had this capability many decades ago.

fuckin pederasts, man

Maybe mom sent the kid for a ride in the cum cage?

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oops, meant for -->

and 95% of them are faggots, the other 5% are children that got didled by faggots or have to life with them.

It was already spreading to incompetent tiktok nurses, only a matter of time before it reached kids somehow, no diddling required but now that kids have it it's going to be a shitshow once school starts again.

schizos rise up

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You’re delusional or intentionally poisoning the well


Something happens.

you are calling him...

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Good evening, sirs.

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> them triples
shit brah

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How to buy siga stock?