What are the political implications of all white women eventually hitting the wall?

today, white women are aging faster and faster. many young white women like milly bobby brown already look to be in their thirties despite being teens.
will white men finally pick asian and latina women over white women as they age better and aren't annoying liberal whores?
could this mean the end of the white race?
what the fuck is wrong with white women?how will this effect our future?

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Molestation makes you grow up fast.

emma was a 0/10 both before and after

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she was never really attractive

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>today, white women are aging faster and faster. many young white women like milly bobby brown already look to be in their thirties despite being teens.
will white men finally pick asian and >latina women over white women as they age better and aren't annoying liberal whores?
>could this mean the end of the white race?
what the fuck is wrong with white women?how will this effect our future?

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>how will this effect our future?

whole thing is about to collapse

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>Race mix goy. You know you want to.

Late night tonight, Rabbi?

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you're telling me every white woman on earth has been molested and that is why they are ugly blown out roasties?
this nigger wants to be dominated by a man
yes goy let the white woman into your home with her liberal values and virulent hatred for the white race rivaling that of kikes
let her raise your white children to be self hating liberals and trannies
good goy

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Women of all ages exist, theyve been hitting the wall every day, it wont happen suddenly. If you think there was some catalyst recently, then that catalyst also affected women of all ages when it started

She got what she deserved.

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seems to be a massive increase in the testosterone levels of white women causing a rapid change in physiognomy as well as demeaner. the new masculine lifestyles also make them age poorly

Every woman every born gets molested.

I knew sole girl from hgighschool who hit the wall at 21-23, they were thé classic bitch, looking good and using their charms, but girl today love doing party drubking alcool a lot more than theh should do, working hard for their lifz instead of step up and making chikdrens, also drug use is now common in most develloped country + bad alimentation i remember m'y ex who was losing her hair, getting crackeled nails she was Only eating sugar industrialed food (even if she was 50kg she looked liked an anémied drug addict, i remember calling l
Me a freak because i was drinking milk as an adult.

Don't be envious of women's easy mode life, it only last for a while
Men never leave their prime (unless they are lazy retards who don't stay at top performance)

>vilify white women #363727828292929

You can feel the seeth of lesser races once they single one of these threads

clearly not being raped enough because women are more uppity than they have ever been. if anything we need more rape to put women back in their place.

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she's got the drunk 40 year old woman wearing a straw hat and hitting on you at the free public music festival rib titties.

looks like they gave her the Mary Kay & Ashley treatment

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the irony of this is that i would bet not a single one of you is white. although polniggers larp as defenders of muh white race, the reality is that 99.99% of whites in america are deracinated and either don't care about their race or are actively anti white. the only ones defending muh white race and muh precious white women and muh evropa online are terminally online self hating shitskin losers like you
actual whites like myself meanwhile don't give a shit and pursue non white women.
>ywn be white
>ywn post dna test, hand or eye with timestamp, etc
>you are a self hating spic shitskin

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the averages are all fucked up
some hollywood starlets are getting all the rapes
meanwhile, a bunch of regular bitches aren't getting any rapes
what we need is rape equity
how many rapes will it take until all women are equal?

Women love rape.
Don't know where you've been.

they know they need it but it doesn't change the fact that they are not getting it enough

It's all women. White women are eating and drinking the same hormone altering goyslop that all the other races are eating and drinking.

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