Autism causes both trannies and Any Forumsposters

>autism causes both trannies and Any Forumsposters
At last, I truly see. Take your autism meds Any Forumstrannies

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The vast majority of people that self-diagnosed themselves as autistic aren't. Any Forumsposters aren't autistic and you're not a doctor.

there are no meds for autism you memeflaging cockroach fucked by pack of feral niggers

>muh autists aren't humans
I am not as retarded as you and I do have emotions, one of them is horniness and I am driving to OP's house to creampie his anus. See this is a game me and OP play, he posts this image, I pretend to be enraged and come "rage"fuck him. In reality, we are homosxual lovers who love each other very much

lol what dumbass orderly in a psych ward thought this was some sort of earth shattering revelation? kiwifags are without exception more cringe than the people they obsess over

Curious how many autistic people got vaccinated versus non-autistic. That's the real determination as to which bucket of people are the real niggers/retards.

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Stupid. Nobody understands the concept of identity, it's not uniquely autistic. They keep changing and expanding the definition on a weekly basis. Go ask a random normgroid on the street what their identity if they aren't terminally online they will go "What?". Even the wokescolds will give you the performative "I identify as" rather than the concrete and genuine "I am".

If anything autists have a heightened sense of identity and will make it everyone else's problem. They know what they like and want and refuse to make concessions the benefit of a social group. They won't buy and consume a product because some else is doing it, they have to decide it for themselves.

It's what makes them susceptible to trans grooming; instead of appealing to a fear of social ostracization it appeals to their sense of identity. If they think it's your idea they'll fight you tooth and nail, if they think it's their idea/identity then they're all in.


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fucking hippies

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identity itself is postmodern narcissism and all psychologists and psychiatrists should be fired


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This honestly. I have a cousin with autism and you could tell something was wrong right away. We would say bye to him as a big group and he would turn towards an empty wall and wave to "us." Didn't even realize or care that we were there.

Anons here are more likely schizoid. I know for a fact I am.

I got diagnosed with Ass-Burgers and I wasn't an extremist until leftoids made me one. I just wanted to be left alone and play vidya.

Damn that's some skin walker prelude you've got there, user.

Yeah. Niggers have way more antivaxxtards.

I'd like to read a post from the Swedish/Japanese cutie who has to work with that beast. Hope she someday finds out that it wants to harm her every day. Jesus Christ...

Are you trying to tell us you're a tranny OP? We already know you're a Any Forumsposters

Why is reddit so retarded that other people can see your entire post history?

Autism doesn't exist. It's merely attention seeking gone astray. Just as the ride has turned and "depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance", autism is merely a string of letters with no real meaning in reality.