Any Forums is powerless

>Closeted Cowards
Pircel is what you look like. 99% of you are teenage incels who obsess over race and women. You find trannies attractive, admit it this is an anonymous site.
>Schizo mentality
You larp on and on about muh apocalypse. The worlds not ending because you can't get a job or girlfriend.
You know you hold no institutional power so you dream of disarray so you can form some wacko ethno-state.
>No Principles
For Natsocs there sure is a lot of infighting. You fall in two camps /ugh/ and /chug/ and attack each other. Theres no formation or respect for your brothers. You don't learn brotherhood by being an internet troll.
>To sum up Any Forums You don't believe in anything. You only want death and destruction. Thats not funny.

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not reading your faggotry, here's some eyebleach

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It is funny

Also i hate the antichrist

Didn't read LOL

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>The most beautiful girl in Britain is a 12 year old boy on /ppl/

Peak bong

I'm cute like that and I hate it

Death to all jews
Iran will nuke israel

Mutt you will never pass

EUROkike lift the restrictions on kannel snegle

Picrep is what I wish I looked like I fuck catbois but I wish I was the catboi being fucked

>dead fag
How do I recover from this?


I wish I looked like that.


Why are there so many gay pedophiles who keep posting pictures of teenage boys on this board?

Today is a great day, OP. It’s on display for the entire world to see how pathetically flaccid the Chinese Man’s dick is.

You know you want it

>You larp on and on about muh apocalypse.
apocalypse (n.)
late 14c., "revelation, disclosure," from Church Latin apocalypsis "revelation," from Greek apokalyptein "uncover, disclose, reveal," from apo "off, away from" (see apo-) + kalyptein "to cover, conceal,"

The "apocalypse" or "revelation" is more about the world as we know it ending.

>Look everyone I’m projecting

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I'm 30

>No Principles
yeah, because the left are just bursting with deeply held beliefs and consistency. even if everything you sad was true, I would much rather side with a bunch of peaceful freedom loving cowards than a bunch of disingenuous power grabbing trolls. your adoption of this new age nonsensical dogma is nothing more than an unjustified lashing out at tradition and stability and you people don't care about the results of your proposed ideas.

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I'm starting to become concerned for the well-being of this German tomboy.