Why is Pelosi visiting Taiwan such a big deal? It's not like we are building a Marine base on taiwan or anything...

why is Pelosi visiting Taiwan such a big deal? It's not like we are building a Marine base on taiwan or anything, it's literally just one old hag going over to check on her nvidia investment. Why is Any Forums acting like this is the equivalent of cuban missile crisis for china?

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are you using a computer with computer parts?
i wonder if it has a made in taiwan logo

China views Taiwan as rightful Chinese clay. America visiting them as a sovereign nation contradicts that. One China Policy and all that.

It's about the message she is sending. It clearly made the chinks made as fuck, as it's such a sensitive topic to them. It's just a chad move imo.

Any Forums being psyoped hard as usual

>Why is Any Forums acting like
no, your kike media is the one going apeshit

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Visiting Taiwan is the same as calling Taiwan a country.
Calling Taiwan a country implies they are independent of China.
China doesn't like this.

Yeah? What's the psyop and for what goal? Tell me oh wise knower of things.

To distract from picrel

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She’s just due her due diligence for her next trade

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The psyop is turning Pelosi's little stunt into a major news event, allowing globohomo elements in the CCP to react, then having Xi back down and lose face
It's China, so Bannon, Guo etc involved too and they always plays this board hard

because china acted like it was a big deal for them, mobilized its troops for this, and then chimped out in the last minute

I can’t figure it out either. Pelosi, Feinstein, hunter biden, Joe Biden, swallowswell, and many other democrats are helping china and receiving millions-hundreds of millions in bribe money from china. Is this a backstab from the democrats or is this political manouvering to usher us into ww3? As for the retards saying china won’t do shit. China just released covid on everyone and ducked everyone up for 2 years. It’s the world that didn’t do shit. Or maybe the world is doing it now.

>Pelosi's little stunt
What stunt? The hag flew a plane to Taiwan.
The only reason anyone is even talking about this is because Xi issued a military warning.
Is Xi himself one of these globohomo elements in the CCP?

Because chink decided they will turn it into a one. That being said, Israel didnt issue any evacuation order for either China so its not happening.

It was talked about here long before that warning dumbass
The warning came from the State department, not Xi. Pic related is who runs State, with his fucking mentor

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Unironically it's Chinas fault. Old hag going into what is an American base as per fact changes nothing. However, CCP chimped out and started throwing very, very serious threats, while also making so media would say to prepare for war. Tanks rolling on the streets, military exercises out of nowhere - it looked like he was serious. So serious in fact Pelosi cucked out at first by not mentioning Taiwan, but she changed her mind later. It was SO scary in fact USA said it does not have responsibility for Pelosi and that it does not recognize Taiwan.
At the last moment CCP cucked out so it is a major stunt. I wonder what chinks think about it.

>lowly party member implies consequence for visiting Taiwan
>media conflates it with party as a whole, including leadership
>brave and stunning trip from Pelosi!
They do this shit all the time.

Jewish psyops team of Any Forums pretending that the board is falling for a gayop again.


Western media or ccp media? Or Jewish?

So Xi has zero authority over what his state decides to say, got it. What an absolute manlet cuckold.

It's not a backstab just a planned event to make dems look tough. It's pathetic. They are getting destroyed in polls and they know it

>It's not like we are building a Marine base on taiwan or anything

Oh yeah? Then whats that marine base your building just outside of town?

Well, in CCP's POV, it's like seeing your daughter get railed by a granny with male genitalia and the granny was able to dumped all her load inside your daughter while you watch in horrific shock and saw that the granny has a bigger pair of balls than you do.

> Why is Any Forums acting like this is the equivalent of cuban missile crisis for china?

Any Forums is acting like anything, shill. The Chinese government themselves threatened fire and brimstone over her visiting, and cucked out. Now we’re laughing at the pathetic Chinese leadership. That’s about it.

Because chinks said that they didn't want her in Taiwan and she got there anyway, so they are in a hissy fit because the universe doesn't care about their wishes

They are different tentacles of the same thing.
CCP media portrays random party official as “standing up to the imperialist Americans”, boosting popularity among their constituents.
American media displays Pelosi as brave and stunning, boosting popularity among her constituents.

It’s all a game, user. Popular news is always fake news.

Truth, if CCP really view Taiwan as rightful Chinese clay they would have no problems sending a couple thousand fed glowies there to do a soft coup. The fact they couldn't do that all this time proved that most Taiwanese don't share the sentiment of unified China. It's a problem for the Chinese, but they wouldn't be going berserk over a granny visiting just yet, since Taiwan does not pose direct threat to them at this time. My guess is they just want to act tough and try to do some shady shit behind the scenes like USA did in The Ukraine.

China likes to pretend that Taiwan is their rightful clay. The two countries claim that they are actually one country and the other government is illegitimate.

The US has long ensured that the PRC doesn't just invade and take over Taiwan . This would be bad because well, fuck china. So sending Pelosi over there brings to mind this fact that the US is the only reason China doesn't have Taiwan and triggers chinks to no end.

Taiwan is important to China because while the Taiwanese government exists there is a threat to the legitimacy of the Chinese commie party. The Taiwanese government is the leftovers of the nationalist government of China that the commie chinks dethroned and kicked off the mainland.