What did they fight for?

what did they fight for?

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coca cola unfaithful women and chocolate.

Attached: at least not speaking german.jpg (640x595, 75.91K)

Greater Israel

To stop the jewish-german menace


The wrong side



Homosexuality - trannies - jannies - disgusting schlomos - pedophiles - secret societies - satanists… they fought for a new world order.

Communism and Jews aka “democracy”


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Niggers, jews and trannies

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jews brainwashing white women to breed woth niggers and spics

I don't even have to say it anymore

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Jewish dominion over the Earth, so their granddaughters would fuck niggers and so their wives could divorce rape them. Oh and unrelenting stream of immigrants to replace the mongrelized offspring of their grandchildren so not even a shred of their DNA will exist on the Earth in a few centuries.

Gay marriage and drag queen story hours lmao

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>They FOUGHT for FAMILY...and LIVED for LOVE!

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Any Forums reacting to China versus Pelosi
>Awww yis my globohomo faggot Jew qkween defeated those evil chinks, I love Democrats so much, mazel tov
Any Forums reacting to America versus Hitler
>Noooo! You can't heckin' destroy my Reicherino! You're all just globohomo faggot Jews!

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My ability to own the greatest man-killing infantry rifle ever invented, refined and put into production. The International Harvester M1 Garand.

Every fucking post in this useless distraction thread is 1pbtid.

Prove to me you’re not a bot. Make one more fucking post. Otherwise, I’m the only actual human being in this useless thread.

For giving communism an opportunity to grow and infest more nations. Also, for gay seggs.

At least we aren't speaking German :^)

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How long will you wait?

dildos and swedish penis pump

If I wait long enough, will I keep your Maple Pox from spreading?


Stopping the gentile uprising

I fucking hate boomers and proto-boomers
>implying China and the Third Reich are comparable

Black babies in white wombs

>nobody will have the fun I had
>Marines flame broiled 10 million gooks
Just wait grandpa, just wait.