When did you realize that Russia, Iran and China are the good guys?

When did you realize that Russia, Iran and China are the good guys?

Attached: Taiwan.png (777x320, 96.41K)

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>muh based shitskins

Attached: FWP467HXoAMEu0r.jpg (1024x595, 86.95K)

Looks like a fake tweet. Is this the best china bots have?

Whoever Reddit opposes, most likely they are actually good people.

there are no good guys.
china and russia are not your friend.

I dont mind russia or iran but I still hate china

damn you must be stupid to fall for such an obvious fake tweet

If they eat dogs I’m not sure they qualify as good. You might be looking at this the wrong way.

I figured it out after 9/11.

China Golemn is fighting back against their Jew Overlords along with Putin and Iran.

>fake tweet
Is it wrong tho?

You must be stupid to rely on Russian gas Fritz.

Russia and Iran yes, China no. The CCP will never be the good guy. I have high hopes for the new nations China balkanizes into however.

Lmao, as if there were not enough reason to side with china against jewmerica already.

have you ever been to Taiwan? didn't think so zoomer faggot retard

2012 when america let that bitch hillary clinton throw away lives in benghazi like they scraps off of her fucking plate

after years of going on about how they value human life

'taiwan gay parade'

It's called a search engine Boomer

fake and gay like China

Oh my science NATOsisters we can't let Second Voldemort Xi get the infinity stones

They're only saying those things to gather political support from Jewish-controlled Western nations. So, in case a war were to happen, they could ensure foreign military support.

Attached: 1658334369685321.jpg (1280x850, 522.99K)

Tongue my anus Zhang. CCP will be glassed if they dare to oppose glorious mongrel empire and you can do nothing about it. Alternatively, the will cuck out and be forgiven (for now).

Line 1, item 1 on list of things we hold dear as a civilization: gay sex

>good guys

op falling fir the second beast of revelation slaying the first. (jews)

jesus is real, the way lucifer is going to decieve the world is defeating the jews and ushering in what appears to be a golden age. masons and jews are the firdt beast of revelation. the second beast systme is q. trump, the reset, illuminati, templars, and pseudo christians. they will say jesus was what is called an ascended master like st germaine, who is a figure who appeared in many lives throughout hidtory. st germaine is actually lucifer.

here is litteral proof of christ for anyone who wants it. read the bible afterwords.

shroud of turin

proof satan runs the world from both sides, both dark and light. freemasons, jews, illuminati, nazis and government whit hats and black hats and grey hats are all comtrolled satanic opposition. this includes trump and q and the coming financial reset.






all the different aliens are fallen angels and weve been in contact performing rituals for at least a century

i highly reccomend all of alexandras videos. remember, if you seek god and pray, and search with all your heart and soul, you WILL find god and christ. you have to make the first move.

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