Why does a country with an economy smaller than Italy, and military budget smaller than countries like Germany, France...

Why does a country with an economy smaller than Italy, and military budget smaller than countries like Germany, France, UK make NATO seethe so hard? Russia only has 140 million people while NATO is more than 1 billion

The military budget of NATO combined is like 10000 times bigger than Russia. So what gives?

Attached: Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (2560x1707, 2.58K)

I love predditor seethe

nukes and they are retarded

Attached: feint.png (303x335, 139.54K)

NATO dont give a fuck about puddin. Russia is the one terrified of NATO.

>better not make friends with my neighbors nato!
>I'm getting nervous here NATO
>fuck it send into the ground beef I mean ground troops

cope seethe dilate

The only country that can match the west in a nuclear exchange, just check nuke stockpile comparisons

how come retards built nukes?
how come other non-retard countries didn't?

why are nato trannies always seething about russia then? hurr durr threat to our sovereignty

Because GDP is basically just jewscore, completely irrelevant in estimating the actual strength and economy of a country now.

If village A makes 50 sharp sticks for one dollar each, subsidized by the village elder, and village B prints one morbillion dollars which they use to by and trade NFTs village A will kick the ass of the villages to the end of the alphabet, no matter their differences in gdp from one moribillion to ten googolplex.

Because they are right. For you russia is a threat and you cant do anything about it on your own sucking up to nato gives you security. But it is done at the expense of russias freedom of action. You just chose thr strongest warlord around.

There is only one reason butthurt belt countries can act as uppity as they do and that is NATO. Do you think you would be as involved if nato dis not exist? Would you be as vocal.

The larger nato gets the more surrounded they are the more inbalance the relation of power gets. So a tiny country like estonia can boss russia around due to their nato backing. Tehy would not be dealing with estanoia but with the whole aliance.

Inhave no problem with that it makes sense for them what i truly dislike is the moral pretenses they have. Next time the us invades another country you will just look the other way.

>military budget smaller than countries like Germany, France, UK

Attached: military expenditures.png (634x353, 58.81K)

Isn't Germany this year atleast like +100 billion lmao
That's like two whole years of military budget

turns out the method of measuring economy size was bullshit

Idk man but they have spirit which is lacking in the west.

Attached: aggressiveexpansionRU.png (824x715, 416.5K)

Leadership is literally the most experienced in the world at this point. Doesn't live in a fantasy world of arrogance and decadence. Has more energy than it can use while NATO countries are rationing and tries to get rid of what they have left for some reason. Receives sympathy from more people on a global scale (obviously not in the propagandised West though). Not prone to communism again, also not prone to runaway neoliberalism/globalism again (the 90s). Military spending is not just corporate welfare/bribes, but rather spent with a single goal: Defend the country. People get a decent classical education, not "oh we need to get rid of books since they can't keep up with our ever changing truth". I'm not sure what it is that makes NATO seethe but it could be a lot of things.

They act like niggers
People don't like niggers

Butthurtbelters and westerners dont understand how purchase power parity worka, it acutally makes me seethe at how fucking stupid you are.

I missread your post. Ok why nato seethes. After the fall of the ussr it was believe that western liberal democracy had won so not only had they achieved victory but they had proven the superiority of their beliefs. There is this idea that the more democracies you have the more peaceful the world gets. To the point that it was justifiable to invade countries to put Democratic governments in place.

In reality democracy is just a way to preserve the current status quo of the world where the usa reigns supreme.

Russia is a counter to this world view as it is china. So you have a moral claim against them, in this way shits like mccain could five great speeches about democracy and values while supporting vicious people all over the world.

Naturally for the us it is bad that other centers of power arise. Most countries that are democracies end up adopting US values, by osmosis and by the work of NGO. Abortion was unthinkable 10 years ago but most youth now in latin america is indistinguishable from your average demoncrat voter. Having russia or china probiding alternatives to this world order is a hidrance.

Literally a monkey with nukes

Also don't forget that the entirety of Russian industry and technological sector is geared towards autarky and defense. They might live in commieblocks and eat grass, but they will always be able to field thousands of tanks, modern missiles, etc.

bold of you assuming that cuckenberg and globohomo leaders have more than a superficial grasp on the whole nato thing

Nukes. That’s basically it

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>we smol no hate pls, also dindu nuffin


Nukes and fanatical devotion to evil.