What other ideas can China use?

Are there any other ideas that have the potential to unite the main land with the island?

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Of all the changs use a straw and start drinking the ocean, they can lower the water level low enough to connect the two with a land bridge.


what about a hybrid monsoon tornado that lifts the island into a kansas like part of china?

What if China recalls all its fishing vessels and use them to surround and blockade Taiwan?

Coat Greenland in reflective black beads. the melted ice sheet will cool the ocean currents enough to plunge us back into an ice age and reveal all the hidden ancient treasures

Attached: Dredging.jpg (1500x842, 316.7K)

Giant human centipede bridge

They can buy sand from the middle east, there is loads of sand there it's like a fucking desert. And the countries are poor so they can make money selling their sand. Once all the sand is gone they will have reached soil, so they can have grass and crops. And then they can feed themselves without imports. Meanwhile China can dump sand until there is a desert between China and Taiwan. They can buy camels from Middle East to help get across the new desert and take back Taiwan

Holy shit you Chens are literally crowdsourcing your invasion plans. Genuinely pathetic.

Obviously, push mount everest into the ocean and fill the gap.

Yes, the ROC will invade China and cuck the CCP for good. This is the beginning of Xi’s downfall lol.

dump all their trash in the taiwan strait

Why doesn't China just part the Taiwan Strait with holy Jewish magic

What if China built apartment buildings along the coast and when those collapse and tip towards Taiwan they expand the Chinese coastline. Then build more apartment buildings on top of the collapsed ones which will also collapse and increase the coastline more until Taiwan is mainland China.

Literally just do a naval blockade instead of any kind of invasion. Game over.

Artificial sun to dry the water and create a land bridge

Chinese should just march into the ocean and create a bridge of bones.

north taiwan mad

Tilt the earth on its side, then just let Taiwan slide back down to China.

New Zealand will probably be fucked crashing into Australia, but can't make an omelette and all that.

here's another one:

>"What if China.."
chicoms are seething and spamming so hard right now.

Kek they can't blockade them. Not right now at least. Their navy would cease to exist overnight if they tried that.

The Taiwanese would simply start peeing and fapping into the ocean forcing commie chinks to drink their pee and cum.

Attached: epävarma pää kenossa.jpg (864x1080, 104.35K)

What if China changed its name to Taiwan. Then it could all be Taiwan, which is china.

Throw a giant magnet on the island. Bring an ever bigger one to mainland shore and the rest is history.