How do we fix this?

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Like so

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Fix what? The cities allow this shit to happen. Let them deal with it.


big flamethrower

But who will work the low income slave jobs so you can have your burger delivered?

Your options are
1) Rationality, Compassion, Responsibility: Build more accommodation, invest in job programs, and a reasonable social safety net that helps everyone.

2) Fuck you got mine: Do nothing until things decay so far that everyone just ups and leaves.

Guess which one you picked?

unironically kill landlords. Those people in socal were normal people who couldn't afford rent anymore.

Stop giving them welfare and clean needles

Nuke the entire city.

some choose not accept statutory benefit as it forfeits the sovereignty of their mortal soul

They don’t work…they’re bums.

Kill Gavin Newsom or what that faggot is called. California has no excuse.

Always great seeing 3rd world nations give an opinion.

open factories and give them jobs instead of paying chinks in china for pennies


Fact check: amerifatts can earn 20$ per hour for a food delivery job. That's more than you could ever dream of in this dystopian shithole (aka EU) Hans :)

Apparently America just can‘t. It‘s impossible for them to fix it so they need to embrace it

get rid of Jews

Why don’t we ask God?

I like to get my own burgers to avoid having to tip delivery drivers. And I don't like minimum wage niggers knowing where I live.

These people are fucking unhirable…they literally smoke crack and shoot heroin all day and then poop in public. They’re all fucking insane too.

Well, I have a few ideas...

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>How do we fix this?

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Kick out all niggers and kikes.

With left vs. right politics.

California deserves it. Other states should give the homeless free bus tickets to L.A. and SF.

>3rd world nations