Why are most mass shootings done by young white males?

Do they simply have no impulse control?

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white men are underrepresented among mass shooters.

Niggers kill more

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lots of whites feel completely disenfranchised since they've been public enemy number one for awhile now

The FBI created a new classification called "gang-related shootings".

Majority of mass shootings are done by blacks, but they are not reported on due to racism.

Who cares, stop being a faggot

cant blame them, imagine being a male in 2022. You can still be drafted, you are very likely to have had your genitals mutilated without your consent, and you have 0 reproductive rights. Maybe they just got tired of society.

>why is this lie i push true?

this is a shill thread

>shill starts thread
>cant bump his own so shill buddies show up to bump with degenerate shit
>anons ree in reply, many poor souls do not put "sage" in options to prevent bumping
>jurno kike buddies use these shill threads that have been posted "anonymously" to claim Natsocs are all pedos or some form of evil

dont be a fag, use sage

please read this, cointelpro is alive and well:



That is literally untrue.
The media intentionally reports on light skinned mass shooters because they are anti white racists.

50% of mass shooters are black. media NEVER posts about those cases. Never.

>Salvador Ramos: Mexican, light skin, but not white.
>Nikolas Cruz: Jewish, light skin, but not white.

You are brainwashed to think white people are violent by the antiwhite media. They hate whites because they are jealous.

kek i haven't seen this picture in a while
there is so much to digest here
why is he shirtless? he will get scratched and scraped if he goes into the bush.
why are his pants so low? he will not be able to run well and may trip himself in the bush.
why is the sling for the tec9 so low? its likely to get caught or snag on something in the bush.
and last of all, why is he making the goofy looking face?

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Whites have better aim.

Guns have always been a part of America, yet mass shootings are a recent phenomenon

The numbers of “mass shootings” have gone up as America becomes less White.

So what gives?

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Too much slipknot and limp bizkit


This right here

jews and mutts

ist this guy an actual faggot

What you mean to say is, why does CNN never post about any of the many black mass shooters?

this guy has a huge cock
dont aske me how i know that

Black people have been public enemy number for centuries but no one here seems to care about that when referencing shooting statistics.

They aren't. The media just doesn't report on black shootings because that violence is where its culturally accepted to be.


statistics show niggers commit most mass shootings

Most mass shootings are done by niggers. They just don't make the news very often whereas in election years or whenever the democrat party wants to push some anti-American legislation when a CIA MKUltra asset is loosed on a school that's a """white""" male, it does get covered.

Nigga you dumb

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>Why are most mass shootings done by young white males?
This is CIA Nigger Tranny lies

>white people literally colonized ethnic lands by raping/genociding natives.
>whites aren't violent.
pick one.

Simple: the US government finds impressionable young white males on Reddit and Discord and even here and plays psychological mind games with them. They gaslight them, encourage their self-destructive behavior, push them closer to the edge that they're already sitting on, and have a clear goal. And that goal is to use what's already a threat and escalate that threat. And make that threat a reality. It's a lot of nobodies out there. And nobody minds if nobody comes up missing, right? That doesn't bother anybody, does it? It certainly doesn't bother me

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They're not, though. I think blacks do it the most often.

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Define mass shooting.

I don't think you know what a mass shooting is.

They’re not. Mass shootings occur every weekend in cities across the country but because they’re done by smelly stupid niggers the media won’t touch it. Can’t hold your political pet responsible.

>most mass shootings
facts say otherwise

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Name one country that did not originate with rape and genocide of the previous population?

That was whites hundreds of years ago too. What about more recent non white genocides like the rape of Nanking or the Rwanda genocide? These were done by modern people who are not white.

my god this skinny ass little kid can be taken down with 1 shot from my glock.

kids who think they're invincible need to get better role models.

Because we are left with no wife or future so we have to amuse ourselves somehow.

a mass shooting is were many people get shot