What are some principles and/or beliefs that you would die for?

What are some principles and/or beliefs that you would die for?

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I would die to defend my family from physical violence and to keep Russia's hands off Finland even though I'm not Finnish.

Exposing glowies to daylight.

I’d personally take Vaush’s life at personal risk to myself. I would challenge him to combat and only allow him to live if he renounced gay marriage.

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NATO wants to be the 4th Reich.

Their plan is to defeat Russia and China, then they will take over Africa and the rest of the world.

NATO is a Nazi organization that believes in Anglo-Saxon supremacy.

We will not be fooled. We will resist and defeat modern day Hitler.

good goy

>NATO is a Nazi organization that believes in Anglo-Saxon supremacy.
Wtf I love NATO now

>What are some principles and/or beliefs that you would die for?
Anarcho imperialism is only right choice.

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Little girls

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I wish NATO were Nazi...

>make that parody natowave gif months ago
>its now being posted unironically by this pedophile
im so fucking sorry bros

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damn right i would kill so that fags couldn't have buttsex

Not rolling over face down for cops.

Well I don't want my mom to be awake when she dies.

Ah yes, the Stateless States...

Wiping you and your kind off the face of the earth, undoing all of your perfidious works, salting the earth on which you built them, and scouring your names form the akashic record.

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>the right to spread monkeypox, aids and intestinal parasites is non-negotiate

Commies are disgusting

Das eigene voll


To get rid of women voting rights and working rights