Russians president threatens to nuke the west

>russians president threatens to nuke the west
>no one cares
>nothing ends up happening
>no one cares that nothing happened

>random chinese politicians threatens to bomb pelosi
>everyone freaks out
>nothing ends up happening
>everyone freaks out
Explain this to me

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_final_warning

"China's final warning" (Russian: Пocлeднee китaйcкoe пpeдyпpeждeниe) is a Russian proverb that originated in the former Soviet Union, and is used ironically to refer to a warning that carries no real consequences.[1]'s_final_warning

Same applies to Russia though, it feels like every week they threaten to nuke the west and nothing happens. And yet no one cares.

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They threaten to nuke only if they get attacked first

>russians president threatens to nuke the west
go on, show me a primary source where Putin threatens anyone with nukes, you brainwashed idiot

He threatened to nuke the west if it got involved in Russia's war. No one got directly involved, problem solved.

China threatened to kill palosi and start WW3 if USA got involved in China's affairs. literally went to Taiwan, thus greatly encouraging Taiwanese separatism.

It's not that hard to understand.

? People were freaking out? Pelosi literally flew there just to piss off China.

Fuck google for making this fucking fucking stupid autocorrect fuck


Putin's saying now the US is directly involved. Is he going to escalated? war with NATO is suicide for Russia

it's always "i'm not touching you, i'm not touching you" with americans, but if someone even mentions the idea of retaliation, it's treated like it basically already happened

nation of petulant children leading a herd of total fucking mongs

In short nothing happens

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That's why USA helps Ukraine only for defense and not for attack, if Ukraine were to attack Russia using the help of USA I think, yes, he would escalate.

>Any Forums is literally nothing but stereotypes and sensationalism

If this surprises you than I know you havent been here for very long.

ya so? communist korea threatens every month to nuke yhe US

China is an existential threat to all life on this planet. They should be nuked with haste.

>Puccia will seethe

do you even know what is a primary source?
and did you even read the retarded article?
title: "Russia threatens nukes for US, UK, Finland if NATO expands"
text inside:
"The comments followed another Russian leader’s threat to use the Satan-2 hypersonic nuclear missile to strike Britain and Finland “in just 200 seconds” — and that the weapons could be used to hit the United States as well."
>"another Russian leader’s threat"
does that say Putin?

not the brightest polack around here

Yeah pretty much

most anglo-saxon and their lackeys' media: "Russia threatens nukes for US, UK, Finland if NATO expands"

"Niinistö, who informed the Russian leader of his decision last week in a phone call, told CNN’s “State of the Union” that Putin’s reaction during the phone call was a “surprise.”

"The surprise was that he took [the news] so calmly."

Finnish President @niinisto tells @DanaBashCNN about his conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin concerning Finland's intention to join NATO."

Putin fears Sauli. Simple as.