Are there some Germans left in Germany?

Attached: 1242.jpg (1920x1786, 1.09M)

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Lol they condemned Hitler for this.

Attached: 1658346588949343.webm (1248x718, 2.84M)

just from the street at 0:34 i know that this is an immigrant area


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thats way worse than anything in the UK.

All "immigrant areas" were once white areas and the place in OP's pic was likely 99% white just a few decades ago.

Watch the video and play a game of Spot the German.

But those are Germans.

at least they're not speaking German

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Yeah, they're all at work

The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".



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looks european to me

In Germany, Hanover is actually known for being particularly ugly, but seen from some shithole it must look "nyce".

Attached: sheit_german.jpg (680x606, 47.74K)

Germany is an immigrant area du Hund


Mohammed, that would be Mohammed.

go to any city center in Europe and it's all the same shit

yeah we are at work

They are all at work,
and in their freetime they have to recover from work.
So you won't see many of them

Gotta admit, as retarded as that joke was, it made me laught out loud.

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History has always been whites and meds making shit and then the brown tide flooding in, only for it all to collapse and the whites and meds to remake shit again.
This will all repeat in a century or so as interplanar colonization begins. Earth will be left to rot by the racial mutts and dead ends as the upper societies traverse to new heights.
And eventually, that too will be flooded by shitskins

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why are kikes like this? why do they want to destroy Europe?

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