What are the political implications of gunning down niggers the second they pose the slightest threat to you?

What are the political implications of gunning down niggers the second they pose the slightest threat to you?

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Good Ending


its a good thing. practical eugenics to kill criminals. will make society better within a generation or two of nigger purges.

Lmao I love the truck driver in the second one who hits the cleanup kill

Safe society

Dios mio.

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Feel good video of the day.

Self defense is a human right, this needed to be legal decades ago. We here are under constant threat of murderers and thieves mounted on motorcycles, the majority of which are ethnic Haitians.

>In Brazil, we have three sayings about crime:
"When the prey is armed, the predator goes hungry."

"If you spare the wolf, you sacrifice the sheep."
(this one is stolen from Victor Hugo)

"A good criminal is a dead criminal."

For the public record, I obviously disapprove of these methods.
But now that Manaus is officially as save as Luzern, how can I immigrate?
I heard it was a popular destination for Germans a few decades ago.

>For the public record, I obviously disapprove of these methods.
We live in constant terror that any motorcycle that pulls up next to us will kill us to take our cell phone, even if you give it to them and cooperate, they often will still shoot you.


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Based Brazil, this needs to be brought into the rest of the western world.

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Lmao these guys are playing GTA for real

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I understand that this is a grave problem in your countries.
However, I am currently busy rewatching the video
a few dozen times for scientific purposes,
so I can not propose a good solution that would be
within the legal framework of my home country.

Meanwhile, back in America where everyone is a spineless faggot....

Doing God’s work tbqh

Legalize self-defense 100% at the first sight of armed aggression, natural selection will reduce the numbers of degenerates who are willing to murder people to get what they want. Niggers are too dumb to learn from seeing other blacks suffer, they simply have to be removed from the system.

Based hues rising up

Can't even imagine being next door to Haiti, hoping you guys can eliminate the problem for good, thoughts and prayers homie

Welp, Brazil is where we move.

Where's the webm?
Just a reminder. U.S. flags LOVE bumping Twitter traffic.

You Americans can literally go into a shop and by a gun that could kill from half a mile away or more, that would need literally government tier permissions in most other countries to even be allowed to be sold to the regimes most trusted members, as such weapons are considered so dangerous.
And you still have a crime problem

Burgers pass all understanding

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i dont have a twitter, you can watch it without, plz watch it is worth it. Fuckin made me feel good about people in this world...

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Never relax

Difference is in Brasil they're not going to lock you up for killing a criminal. Here you can get 30yrs for driving by a niggers birthday party with a confederate flag.


Much appreciate bro, we live next to Planet of the Apes and there are just so many of them, it is surreal at times.


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That was the best thing I have seen all day.


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This guy fucks.

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And what lesson has that taught you?
Maybe take your lives more seriously?
The regime is not on your side and you either put up or..

Just saying

THIS warms my heart.
I love this.
Thank you.

we live in a society


More American than America right now. If we defend ourselves against *them* we are the ones charged, while *they* are let out after 24h

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Bolsonaro made violent crime drop by almost 33% while making lawful gun owners go up by over 500% btw

Isn't this just going to end in the motorcycle niggers shooting you first from farther away and then just walking up to your cold dead body and take you phone instead of trying to approach you like they do now?

So... Knight Rider is now real?

Bong you can fuck right off this conversation. You fucking faggots need ID to buy plastic spoons. They don't have to lock you up your entire island is a prison.

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Robbers should learn that they hoose to value their lives less than my property. Just wish i could have a real gun for self defence. bleh.

We have niggers that are protected and babied by the media and politicians. So they get brazen and commit rampant crime.


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What are you retarded? Make one.

No they will end up dead. You are a leftist cocksucker who probably listen to niggansgsta rap and feel sorry for them

It taught me to hate niggers more and daily carry my Glock while I live in a free state(Florida).


Stop it.
They were drunk and high and they drove through a public park to a little nigglets birthday party and brandished guns and threatened them while pointing their guns at them
They are lucky they got only 10 years.

>instant deflection
classic Any Forums retard cope

Tell me about your guns again and what you can do with them?
That is right about the same as us if not less.

Oh noes! mustn’t break any (((laws)))!

Hey Brasil bros does insurance cover damage to your car from running over criminals?

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It’s like capitalism for the justice system. Based af. The market finds a solution.

narration 10/10


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LOL, vafan snackar du om?

Damn I thought it might have taught you not to get caught for fucking anything..

Oh well


Nothing good ever comes from people riding motorised 2-wheeled vehicles, I say kill them all. That last one was extemely satisfying.

I can shoot Jamal and Tyrone when they attempt to break into my home or carjack me at a light. Or try to rob me when I’m getting fuel. Stand Your Ground law is based.

fuck kike laws. arm yourself anyway

In the US citizens kill home invaders and criminals daily and dont get charged at all by police because 95% of states have pretty strong self defense and castle laws. Ironically these laws stem from English common law, which you dont even have anymore. Try educating yourself before posting newfag

holy shit this gets my dick so hard. citizens BTFOing subhuman criminals. I hate my country

Fuck off we're full. You'll probably snitch on people that execute criminals anyway

lol y'all mad as fuck. I guess I would be too if I was a britbong. Maybe USA is lost too but goddamn if I don't at least get a say in the manner of my demise thanks to the copious amount of guns I own.

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maybe in your state, not in your entire country

thats fucking based
Great law

That user is fibbing about that story. We also kill nugger criminals all the time.
Heck just yesterday we got video of an old Huwhite man with a shot gun at a liquor store outside of LA just blew the arm off a nigger trying to rob him with a rifle.
He was not even arrested and is being cheered universally

Gå och sug syriankuk din medelsvensson bög.



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I do not think I would be able to do that,
as I am pretty short sighted.

Now you know why negros stand oddly, unlike humans.
Ex master criminal from Brazil.

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fake and gay. their truck had a flat and wild niggers surrounded them because of the flag. dude pulled a gun to defend himself and probably saved their lives. cope seethe dilate

>he heard a noise
Was it a chimp noise?

Idgaf about the entire country. Cuck states like CA and MA can burn for all I care. Plus I only travel to other based states when my Glock or H&K are welcome to join me.

Those laws still exist in the UK, you just can’t own a gun for self defence, so basically they are worth less than fuck all.
The real problems are the crimes committed in the public space and this is where the police are meant to act but can’t or won’t.

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