The Eurasian Century is here

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have a "based" (4channeler upvote )good sir

> baseded

Yeah half the price. Good luck.

>eternally butthurt kurwa enters the thread

god I hate poleniggers

>*Asian Century is here
Corrected it for you, your pic is fucking Europe.

Russia is only fueling his demise, chinks are going to invade when ukraine war stops

lol, the only reason russia is this big is because China protected russia throughout the ages

>different gas field
>different pipe
60 IQ journalism strike again

well maybe if the dumb mutts weren't provoking them over taiwan, I think china is looking west for a while now

You dumb fucking poleterrier. Yes Russia loses money, we however lose critical resources and consequently more money. Would you kill yourself if it gave a Russian a broken wrist?
I hate the EU so much bros.

>the Eurasian century is he—ACK!

poleniggers would impale themselves on a dildo for some reddit upvotes, they're not human


very little infrastructure to asian markets
gets fucked russiya

Cheap energy is the condition of civilization and industrial society.

This is nonsense. Russia defended itself, painstakingly. China would annex all of Russia without second thought if they had the chance.


>I hate the EU so much bros.
based, now invite Chinese military bases into your country

No you fucking moron it’s a suggestive joke. Replace all the eeds with Ucks

Who are u talking to?