Y'all dumb, what china needs to do is to pull Taiwan in to the mainland, there is like a gorillion chinks...

Y'all dumb, what china needs to do is to pull Taiwan in to the mainland, there is like a gorillion chinks, I'm pretty sure id they all pull together they will be able to move it

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your suggestion is to tug of war taiwan?

I see no flaws in this plan.

That wouldn't work retard, there's no cable strong and long enough to pull an insland.

They can just build a bridge out of rocks. The Hindus figured this out 20,000 years ago.

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It should be shaped like a penis. They'll never expect it.

There is ONE thing BIG and LONG enough
The question is if there's a second one that is also capable of the task

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an in real life example of
>Mexican intellectuals

good idea

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The changs could all just link arms... like the ants they are

china spent so much time and money building dozens if islands, they could have spent all that sand connecting china to taiwan instead.

This makes sense

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Couldn't they just build a bridge with rocks?

You're a genus spic! we need to get really strong rope, like hump rope you cant smoke it but is stronk. UPVOTED

stfu faggot you is dumb

>he'd rather build a shitty bridge that'll get swept up by the first storm instead of spending 1 afternoon linking the landmasses FOREVER
And this is why your country is shit

They would be really tired afterward

Gibe them energy drinks

Nigga we pulling it away with air craft carriers. Frfr. Shits is gonna be wit Hawaii no cap.

Taiwan will build it's bridge and throw the illegitimate CCP government out of West Taiwan when it's good and ready.

>pull Taiwan
But what if it capsizes?

Attached: capsized island.jpg (640x360, 36.36K)

>there's no cable strong and long enough

source? or are you just pretending that space elevators aren't a thing?

Based and Hank Jonhson-pilled.

Just import 5 million niggers and put them on the opposite side if it tips

This sounds like a legitimate boomer idea.
>Just throw ropes on it and pull the island closer. Strap your boots you kids have it so easy nowadays!

>Democrat, Georgia
>what if islands just tip over

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that's stupid
all the CCP needs to do is surrender to Taiwan(China)