Based kike

vows to keep btfo-ing white people until his dying breathe.
How does it feel knowing that last breathe will be full of no regret, and be taken in a million dollar home with the finest silk sheets and gretagest doctors money can buy?

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why would he stop? the crime spikes are the point

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>Justice reform is le bad

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All the police looking the other way.
All the suicides.
All the terminal illnesses.
All the unrecoverable financial ruin.
All the slavery they have planned for our children.
And somehow, this piece of shit hasn't been shot in the face?

>until his dying breathe
can't wait

It's George Soros' fault I have a brown gf.

>looks like a actual demon

Reminder if u r jewish soros hates you too, he laughed about turning jews in to nazis during the holocost

I call bullshit. There's no way someone like that is still alive. He's responsible for so much kikery and he is 200 years old.

Doesn't his son have the same worldview? He'll just take over once his dad dies

He laughed because he knew which jews they were killing

Dont be mad at him hes a jew this is his natural behavior, be made at our traitorous politicians tolerating this evil for all the money he hands over to them instaed.

I'm not mad. I'm just in doubt and disbelief.

I suggest Mr.Soros be buried in lawsuits form each and every person he has affected through his actions. Make that fucker and his hires poor as fuck.

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and the nigger ass rimming faggots on this site will cheer as long as china gets a little shit talked about them


what's the 13 stand for?

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Based lich. Didn't he have like 6 heart transplants or something?

Silk sheets are terrible.


when is this kike going to die anyways

He seems to, but do you think he would admit it if he didn't? He needs to secure the inheritance money first before he is truly free to share his real thoughts and opinions.

Death is not a punishment.

In all fairness most kikes would sell out their ratkin for profit

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Not looking for punishment. The shit he's doing needs to stop.

We just make kikes seethe so much, it's not our fault we are so great.

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He could already be dead, we'd never know

didn't they crack down on leafs bc a couple burgers donated to them?

What comes after the last breath is what matters. And its glorious hahahahahahhahahha. Christ holds the keys of hell. Imagen trading your eternity for some printed paper. hahahahahahahhahahhahhahah

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>He could already be dead, we'd never know


This fucking jew is days away from death. He could literally die any moment. I am going to celebrate all day long when he dies.

You are part of the problem.
You christcucks sit on your ass and hide behind your faggy jew deitys' dress because you are really just cowards.
Because of you, people like that shithead gets to have free reign on the real world.
Seriously, fuck you golems.

He has children all lined up to take his place and live for 100 years at a time.

He seems to have this luck of always finding a donor for his failing organs, now not every organ can be replaced however...

yeah but theyre all incompetent faggots as shown by the newest ruling crop
they are destined to fail

How nobody has shot this khazar-kike yet is beyond me

blind swine onks? You will be with your master soon.

Sure, jew worshipper.

Freeze his bank accounts.