
Why do they always bark and no bite? they always do this in everything... do they lack testicles?

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-08-02 at 21.47.43.jpg (660x698, 239.74K)

China isn't real. It's the opening to the other side of the hollow earth.

>Indulging and colluding
With her own country? They must have paid her a lot. Stay mad sweet & sour pork boi's.

Former Republican here. Republicans were always portrayed to me as the heavy handed tough guys who are first to ask when dealing with foreign threats against our freedom and democracy. Speaking of course of Russia and China.

After decades of watching Republicans backtracking, beating around the bush and even making backdoor deals with China and Russia I was sceptic but I didnt want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole to much. Remember how quick Trump surrendered the trade war to China? We know it was Biden who doubled down on Trumps weak and loopholed sanctions and Biden who seriously attacked Chinas high end chip and telecom industry to keep Americas companies competitive.

Today I am convinced that only Democrats have real leadership qualities and Republicans are just big talk no action phonies. You should seriously consider your vote in the next midterms if you made the same error and fell for the Republican meme.

They are going to hurt themselves with all that chest thumping

Yeah. They need to start biting. This shit is gay.

>China isn't real.
Neither is that pic of Nancy.

China is paper pussy.


Still too dependent on the JEWest for technology and markets, if they endured what Russia is enduring it would be the death of them (the JEWest would get massive damage also hence the fact they aren't sanctioning the shit out of China).
Russia proves that "muh GDP" is a retarded metric.

That settles it. I'm a Democrat now.

It's over China lost!

Grand Hyatt? Wtf are we paying for that? Tax payer hotel should be Days Inn or thereabouts...


They have North Korea level understanging of foreign diplomacy. Its a big country thats selfsufficient.

then why keep calling it china? whats the name of the province where the communists even took over?

China won't do shit. Pelosi will tap dance all over China's ass and there's nothing you yellow needle dicked faggots can do about it except seethe. Fucking chink pussies.

Because that's what the freemasons call it.


Nah, no war for muttoids to stave off the impending collapse.

kek. kys chong mong.

You think if you screech loud enough it will accomplish something? Look where china and muttistan were five years ago. Look where they were ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty years ago. Extrapolate where they will be in ten years. The trend is clearly obvious.

>do they lack testicles?
Smol pp. Too much 50Y sauce

Because the Chinese are incompetent pussies. I don't know how so many people were brainwashed into thinking China is something to respect and fear. They're fucking retards. Half of them are still drinking piss over there. I lived there: they drink piss.

Hello schlomo. How's the JIDF paying you?

You are the one desperately trying to support the collapsing jewish estalishment.

>Republicans were always portrayed to me as the heavy handed tough guys who are first to ask when dealing with foreign threats against our freedom and democracy. Speaking of course of Russia and China.
The Vietnam war was started by Democrats. Like pretty much every war except Irak.

Just wait and see
>2 more weeks

Based. Nancy is going back to the US and sharts will have to live with it

What if they just wait for her to leave and invade Taiwan.

They'd still look like pussies after all the shit they talked.

Dont worry, they have made a dent already, and nancy parading won't change reality.
But nowz they will bite even more, she made it worse instead of being focused properly for the real chalanges.

But these idiots ran shit to the groundz they wont stop now!
Like the election, this move too was beyond Wrong but it will become apparent for fools much latter, as per usual.

Chinks are the biggest faggots on the planet. They make aussies look cool.

Learn English, you Chinese twat.