Why do Turks like Russians some much...

Why do Turks like Russians some much? I have interacted with quite few Turks irl and all of them have positive opinion on Russians. Is it because Russians are the main tourists? Or its because they find their women attractive?

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>turks love Russians
>Serbs love Russians

because Russia came to the defence of Syria and Turkey against Isis maybe, retard?

Erdoğan is anti Assad, Russia is pro Assad retard

Not to mention pic related nigger

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russians wageslave for an entire year to spend two weeks in turkey. russian men are drinking and suntanning, meanwhile russian women are getting fucked in ass mouth and pussy by turkish men.
so why wouldn't turkish like russians so much? easy money and even easier pussy, delivered by airplanes and confined to tourist spots, with minimum spillage!

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Turks realised Russians are actually more Turkic than themselves.

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Indeed, the Russian men drink into a passed out stupor by noon and the women have many hours to run around doing whatever they want. And Russian women? They want to fuck.

I said against Isis nigger. Turkey is on both sides here. It's a complicated war.

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Whose that Georgian looking fucker in the middle?

A dog

You think second strongest NATO country can't protect itself from Isis without help of Russia? If anything is that Russians do not consider Kurdish fighters to be ally unless Americans and invited Turks to Syria to deal with them. Russia and Turkey have different goals in Syria

they have the camraderie of being almost white but not white tier races. they desperately want to be white while europe gets to bear the brunt of their abusive niggery and feudal slave kingdoms

russians buck broke turks for like 500 years straight, I dont think turks won a single war against them

You do remember only Russia was providing air defence at that time? No one else wanted to get involved and Turkey doesn't have the aircraft to defend itself

False, turkey won the earlier wars and russia won the later wars

>captcha: 2K HAT J

>Doesn't have the aircraft to defend itself

Turkey had f-16 and I'm pretty sure Isis had no capabilities to take it down

because russia is only country in the west that hasn't lost it's mind
and abandoned family values

Turkey is also part of NATO who wouldn't allow them to do it