Not only is there absolutely no proof that coomers are low T - two of the scientists who proposed the data don’t even exist.

Coom nation soon to inherit the earth.

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Masturbation curves my dick to the left a little the more I do it. It goes back to normal, but I try not to do it now.


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>Is Nicole Prause Influenced by the Porn Industry?

wow (((she))) sure loves pornography!

you actually believed this shit?

No fap probably has merit solely because of how hard certain people try to convince you not to do it.

It still helps and stops you from Turning into a degenerate shithead who’s dopamine receptors are fried

Exactly, why do they care how much I'm masturbating? Seems they want me to do it a lot and chastise me for not doing it at all.

kek literally a tranny

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Ok coomer

I remember over a decade ago listening to an old doctor say our entire civilization was built on sexual energy. He said the large buildings around you were built by men who focused their energy, not on jacking off, but on working hard on designing and building a nice building that defied gravity and nature. This is why the most civilized of people tend to repress sexual tendencies and build wonders and invent marvels of engineering. This isn't anything new.

I didn't believe until right now when you felt the need to debunk it. Now I assume its real and raises T.

of course nofap doesnt work and never worked.
for a Man it is normal to cum. to deny yourself to cum is like denying your body to eat or drink.
its absolutely essential to release.

Attached: Babyfooji OnlyFans 2021-10-27-2257824229.jpg (3024x4032, 2.35M)

No fap was always retarded. It only had value for coming cumbrain incels addicted to porn

Porn is still really bad for you
Cooming on its own is probably benign but porn is definitely terrible for you

you actually believe "nofap"? name a single guy who actually fucks, who think nofap isn't obvious incel cope.

Nofap isn't about increasing testosterone, though. What the fuck is this strawman?

Porn is completely harmless, its like playing Videogames or watching movies.

Attached: Babyfooji OnlyFans 2021-11-12-2272821949.jpg (3024x4032, 2.27M)

You have to be literally retarded to believe that obvious lie in the first place. Christian's are one of the most subversive minorities and unfortunately we have not fully purged them from academia.

then what is it about?

Moving goalposts as usual. It was about control.

Yeah no shit. This lame nonsense is just more incel defection to make it seem like it's a choice to be a fucking social defective that can't pull women. It's a choice, you see.

I always thought NoFap was more of a test of willpower than anything else. If you can control your own mind, you can control everything

People pay for this garbage?

What about poop retention? I’m on day 17

its a chastity fetish and cope for underachieving men.

so like this guy said its incel cope.

Attached: Babyfooji OnlyFans 2021-10-12-2245066376.jpg (1536x2048, 502.71K)

>chinese scientists
i believe we call that "tuesday in china"

kike faggot posting those images just shows how incredibly fucked up you are in this thread.

it destroys grey matter in your brain which produces your romantic abilities.
lowers your tolerance like any drug and makes you disinterested in normal love making by being over stimulated. makes you complacent rather than motivating you to get into the real world and secure a real partner.

No fap is a chink psyop!


Why are so many leftists concerned about what we do with our penises

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why are you concerned about what any man does with his penis?

literally a (((porno))) shill

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the only people who push that shit are trolls, idiots, and schizoids.


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No fap is a meme
no porn is the real important one no-fap was always piggybacking off

all the good effects were from stopping consuming porn not from masturbation

It is about deprograming your brain from fucked up dopamine levels.
Always has been.
That is why nofap is also about quiting pornography, not just quitting jerking off.
If you weren't faggot kikes and had actually done 10 seconds worth of research, you would know this.

Greeks and Romans looked pretty degenerate to me. There's even the story of a man who came on a goddess statue. Not to mention pederasty.

>It is about deprograming your brain from fucked up dopamine levels.
and how does it do that?

They held it so long they ascended


Yeah keep masturbating and waste your seed, soon your hair will fall off and your energy levels will completely drop. Go 10+ days and see what happends, its literally that easy. To try and debunk the fact that spraying sperm out of your dick 3 times a day for 15+ years is not bad for you is the most retarded thing ever. Normal sex however with a actual woman that triggers hormone production that is not there otherwise when you are on pornhub is a whole new concept and the only way it should be done. But who am I to judge? Keep cooming, keep being a slave to pornography, keep on being a beast closer to a monkey than a actual man.

Mio Honda lied?

and being anti-porn leads to not wanting to fap all the time, the horniness is still present not as bad, but you are more interested in talking to a woman than quickly squirting to a video.

women pick up on the natural aggression and are attracted to it hormonally, as nature intended.

Losing test from fapping is bullshit, having your mental health and possibly your erections/ability to cum from sex fucked from consuming porn is real.

That makes zero sense

>it destroys grey matter in your brain
>which produces your romantic abilities.
there is no scientific proof for any of this.
>rather than motivating you to get into the real world and secure a real partner.
Porn is less degenerate than dating hamplanets on tinder.

because most nofappers are homosexuals and love to have control over other mens dicks.
for the circumcised its also a way of talking down masturbation as for them its not enjoyable, something about the fox and the grapes.

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Judaism working overtime to keep the porn industry alive.

Nope, I remained abstinent from masturbation and sex a month before my medical license exam and my mind was focused and I had a lot of energy.

It works

Checked, absolutely true but people rather go pull their dick like the weak monkeys they are.

you are an incel, why are you pretending you aren't?

I hardly ever jerk off now but when I do I use porn. I don't need to abstain from it likes it's meth, or use it like it's harmless. If you're an adult with self control, it's not a big deal once in a while.

alternate hands

You have a serious problem.

I'm not, why are you pretending that you know me?

Nice anecdote that means absolutely nothing

Nice try moshe, but I shall not spill the cup of Hermes

>there is no scientific proof for any of this.
>Results We found a significant negative association between reported pornography hours per week and gray matter volume in the right caudate (P

How does you cock know the difference between your hand and a pussy?

>and being anti-porn leads to not wanting to fap all the time
maybe but no-fap means no masturbation at all
which is not good

The constant dopamine spikes upregulate your dopamine receptors and make it so that your baseline dopamine levels are insufficient and cause you to be depressed or less happy than if you had normal dopamine receptors. Nofap allows your receptors to return to normal levels. This same thing occurs with facebook/tiktok/vidya addictions which is why the addictions continue to increase in severity, because you are constantly having to reach new peaks of dopamine to feel any sort of joy.

This should be fucking common sense to anyone that isn't a brainlet

You are a prime example of peak demoralised degeneracy, just look at the disgusting shit you are promoting in pic related.

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People that have sex (without paying for it) don't go around promoting porn on the internet like an unpaid janny, you fucking loser. Incel retard

Nofap =/= Nosex.
But even sex is bad for you. I am an Athlete and literally all athletes and sport clubs restrict sex to maximum once every week, some to one day every two weeks (on that day as often as you wish)
Just like people get "hangry" when they dont eat. People get focused and stronger without sex. Which is an age old instinct driving us.

Manlette/womenlette word.

If you cared enough about the topic you would find it out for yourself.

Why is it so important for kikes that I masturbate all day doing nothing productive?

why do the globalist kikes want us to jerk off 24/7

My dick is now only 3 inches because I masturbated too much