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Sovereign citizens are the gayest of the retards

That’s not how shit works

I do not consent to this retardery

>Sovereign citizens are the gayest of the retards
Only if they are poor

>First Class
Who are the Second Class Sovereign Americans?

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Where does Wesley Snipes fit in?

>zip code exempt

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Nah sovereign citizens aren't wrong or misguided. The system is just so corrupt and oppressive that there is too much resistance/lack of knowledge with most people you interact with. Especially the courts. The courts will always fuck you.

who says I have to card a card that has my picture on it? when did I ever vote on that law?

Only the deluded believe the courts are going to consider arcane and obscure matters of law. You're lucky if the trial court even follows well established jurisprudence. They do whatever they want and let appeals deal with quality control.

>sovereign citizen
thats a statutory oxymoron
youre either sovereign or you arent

Sovereign Citizen/Freemen is the schiziest of schizy conspiracy theories.

FUCK - I'm two months older than that geezer. What the fuck is in the water down there?

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T. Zogbot


Sure the fuck looks like how it works to me

How does it effect you

Yea I want an explanation for this one

Listen you nigger zip codes were invented by the kikes to number our towns and cities to make God angry. They are satanic

It means fuck the government and their gay-ass USPS number system.

>arcane and obscure matters of law.
Like the constitution or naturalization act of 1790 that legally prevents the corrupt house from passing laws like gun bans?
The "officials" that are commotion I train arnt even allowed in this country and have been placed here through unconstitutional means.
They can be removed
They have no authentic authority
It's that simple

Asians, niggers are third class

seems legit

this sounds dangerously close to terry posting and I'm all for it

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I assume this photo is a collection of evidence involving a man that is now in an asylum or in a federal penitentiary for tax evasion and transporting firearms across state lines without any forms of a license.

That would be me. I’m also a proud black sheep of my family.

Aggressively defending the status quo while recieving no benefit or detriment from it is very stupid, user. Bystanders to this niggery lack Social intelligence as well.