Someone explain why the fuck “Dark Brandon” is currently trending?

Has he become too powerful?

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No one thinks this and no one cares

He sold the Chinese oil out of our strategic reserves during the highest price hike of gas in us history

Twitter users need their retarded catchphrases to reinforce their belief in things they have no comprehension of.

To companies his son owns stock in

Someone's 'avin a giggle, m8.

Bidne is based and redpilled I wish I couold ahve had the plejure t o vote for him

>“Dark Brandon” is currently trending
Where? Show proof.

>gives $86,000,000,000 worth of military equipment to the taliban
>shits pants

It's mostly just people sucking their owns dicks.

Hello CIA

are you having a stroke?

That’s when they killed trump

Only dumb boomers care about Al CIAda.

Everyone hates Joe Biden he's a corrupt politician, a swamp faggot if you will

The Taliban is very happy with all their new equipment. I'm sure they're still riding with Biden.

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jews realized they didnt need to even put in any effort with propaganda. just do some image macros and call it a day.

as long as you repeat a message, normies will accept it. this is also why movies and tv shows are going to shit. what are you going to do about it goy? make your own industry? of course not, even if you wanted to its impossible with all the regulations they set up to protect themselves from competition.

you will live to see literal ai generated images as your 'leader' and nobody will care.

Lol, Biden can barely even talk nowadays.
I wonder if he'll just drop dead mid speech one of these days.
Screencap this.

It's not but you're being paid to try and make it seem like it. Imagine letting Trump live rent free in your head in the current year and your only strategy to fight the fearsome second coming of orange Hitler in your mind is shitty snark memes. Some think tank full of literal faggots is paying millions for this half assed shit.
I'm not even checking sage this gay shit

Yeah Riden into the USA with free ivermectin and housing

Damn, Biden's out there shooting guns in the Middle East. Who knew?

Who the fuck comes onto Any Forums to shill Joe Biden? Feds getting insanely desperate.

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