Why does hate puberty blockers?

Why do you want them to become ugly beast trannies?

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because faggots want to use them to destroy tomboys

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i like my trannies with big yogurt slingers. flaccid little boy cock is for pederasts.

go shit on your balls paedo faggot.

at wendy's apparently.
wow go you.

I mean, that GIRL does porn. What are you up to?

Wait that was the whore who posted nudes on here... she is a real women!

I just don't think puberty blockers are ethical, you can't really make a rational decision about your reproductive future before even puberty, like its obvious the parents instill in these poor children's heads that they HAVE to be a girl and CANNOT be happy in their own body

Its also society's fault for heavily enforcing gender norms to the point that people think they *have* to become a woman in order to be feminine, if society didn't shame male children for playing with dolls or wearing dresses, then trannies wouldn't even exist.

The nature of puberty blockers requires that they're used on literal children.

This is how german women look even without any puberty blockers
I know she seems like she took some which is why you posted her but that is just german women.

she's trans MtF
she took blockers as a kid
look how hot she is

vlad i have bad news for your.
> voll is a boy
please don't kill me

>Shorts, micropenis, weak bones and other health problems.

she was born male you retard

she's not

This is some vaccines are safe and effective gaslighting

Finally you admit german women look like men of other countries who took puberty blockers

He still has the face of a 12 year old boy. Better than fucking some dude who was Carl for 34 years and is now insisting on being called Catrina, but I’d take perverts who can be easily identified over sexually/mentally abused androgynous children any day.

>his is how german women look even without any puberty blockers
this is what i said "Yup" to

>puberty blockers work
>still goes bald and kills himself
I wanna ruffle her hair and smooch the peach fuzz on her neck.

Yes agreed


they don't work. they will just fuck up his bone structure and leave him a 5'1'' manlet with underdeveloped little 2 inch dick which will never work properly, so he will neither be a man nor a woman. just a fucked up creature who was lead down a fucked up path. all of that shit could have been prevented

this literally looks like a tranny boy on puberty blockers.

if you're blind sure

I am telling you german women man they look like that.

There's a decent chance if they develop normally the phase will indeed pass.

All these teen boys not growing, 5’9 isn’t going to be that short in a few years time

Puberty blockers are giving kids osteoporosis. They won't be around for much longer

>children shouldn't smoke cigarettes because it stunts their growth
>children should take hormones to stunt their growth

we should give women puberty blockers to prevent them from hitting the wall

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not a tranny lol

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