Why don’t more qualified people want to be teachers?

And why is American education so low?

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I 100% do not give a shit about some state 'qualification' bullshit.

not such thing now, they literally let people that can't tell gender appart


Everyone is qualified. We are to literally teach our kids ourselves and relying on the state to do it is a more recent event.

There are very few occupations that measure for competence. It is all a compliance test, from all the paper work to the sitting and standing following rules and signs. fuck this retarded system and its sycophantic stockholm syndrome sufferers

wow they are really trying to push for recruitment holy fuck world War 3 is going to be NUTS

Florida needs to bring back home ec, too.

based Florida. I would rather have some right wing grunt teach my kid than some purple hair liberal with 5 advanced degrees

That, and everyone is obsessed with feelings over facts. Reality isn't really reality if it hurts my feelings!

>Sir this is math

Oh man I thought it was just a clickbait headline, but its true.
Anyway, its not like this will decrease the quality of the teaching anyway. Have you seen the shit qualified teachers teach kids nowadays? This will probably be an improvement if anything. Its not like it can get any worse.

Because people don't teach their children how to act so no one wants to deal with them. also shitskins are retarded

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in the past sure but since an aging woman in a bus driver costume swamped the country with undesirables its really fallen off as a career option for a lot of people here

Then you and your children are retards.

anything you could possible want to learn, you can find for free on the internet.

You are retarded.

It's literally not possible to do worse than a blue-haired troon with a gender minor and a god-complex. A soldier is at least 3 tiers above a woke do-nothing loser and child-predator freak. While I don't think this is a good long term solution... it's an near-infinite improvement given the current state.

Because we're in the Harrison Bergeron timeline where actually learning in school makes the retards feel jealous so they stopped teaching people things in the name of equality

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Is this DeSantis' plan to increase the birth rate, wtf?

The qualification process clearly picks the worst cat lady cunts in existence.

>Harrison Bergeron timeline
Based and truthpilled


Did the shitlibs who are freaking out over this even read the statute? They make it very clear that not just any veteran can “teach” without a degree. They should blame all the retards with shitty BAs who refuse to move to Florida because they can’t teach some kid a book written by a mentally ill tranny with 5 different personalities and identities whose entire existence is based on sex


Schools need more male role models for sure

Teachers are bottom of the barrel already. Hiring McDonald’s workers to teach would probably be better for kids, but McDonald’s workers probably wouldn’t make the switch since they get paid more anyway. Fuck teachers.

This. Women who teach are pushovers and easily bullied. All my best teachers were strong men who cared about knowledge but did not tolerate bullshit

>qualified people
Who was the first to be qualified as a teacher and by what metric?

Hell, at least the vet would be capable in a school shooter situation, instead of immediately going to cower in the corner of the room after forgetting to lock the doors. At least the kids would have a better chance, instead of waiting for the cops to wait until the shooter kills all of their hostages before charging in.

The only teachers I respected were male. Women are worthless at everything, including childrearing.

>degree to hand out packets

Let's be honest: do we really want anybody from 4ID teaching kids anything?