Portland Murder: Black Gangs and Violence

>two black kids, both join gangs at a young age
>black gangs attack one another
>they kill your best friend (pic related on right) plus the uncle (on left)
>after 8 months, rival gang finds out where you are and track you down
>half breed (second post) tells court he’s scared of being assassinated
>black gang finds and kills him with a ruthless efficiency
The suspect(s) are still on the run. Just realized most murders are unsolved. How does America not revolve into some hellhole?
Pic related: guy on right killed in January 2022 along with uncle.

Attached: A40028B6-8DB2-4F49-BE96-FC77DE4D9362.jpg (1280x816, 103.12K)

Second guy killed in the past few days.

Attached: A861301B-8DE2-4D45-B0B7-DD82F15E05FE.jpg (800x600, 112.71K)

This guy said he’s scared for his life, then wen couch surfing for the past 7 months from north Portland to Gresham to southeast portland. The gangs still stalked him all this time.

The average person doesn't fall into nihher gang culture. Despite what pol and the jewish media try to portray, the vast majority of us are living normal lives without being dragged into complete and total niggerdom.

Portland went from the whitest Metro in the US to having lots of niggers and crime in less than 10 years.
The rest of the US is already desensitized to nigger violence.
No one cares.
No one is coming to save you. Kikes are replacing you.
Save yourself.

> american thread
> its about niggers

who would have guessed?

True, but bystanders should not have to suffer. Also I’m worried about these gangs with so much time on their hands to hunt for months
It’s still white

Don’t want to talk about bat soup xiao chung

Do these niggers life rent free in American heads and homes?

Latinx bros...we losing them queenz...

> the american lashes out when he realizes no one except his own countrymen wants to talk about niggers all day

most murders aren't unsolved its like half which is still good odds


>bystanders should not have to suffer
You dumb motherfucker, there are no innocent bystanders except the children who are unfortunate enough to have been born to the cowards that call themselves Portlanders.
You all do nothing. You vote for this.
Go do something, or Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
>t. Oregonian who wants to see Portland, Salem and Eugene nuked
You neighboring red counties fight daily to keep your poison from spreading. Stay and fight. Don't leave. We don't want you cowards in our "better schools"

>there are like 43 blacks in all of Portland
>they're still being niggers and killing each others

I tell ya, you can take the money out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the money.


Kill me for phone posting.

>The chink transplant verri verri angurri

When a black person commits a crime in America. The DNC rushes to put that black person in government or on the Supreme Court.

If that black person chops his dick off, then he becomes a King General in the US military.

If a black person wants to be a normal human being, the entire progressive left attacks him for betraying his race.

Black people must do what jews and democrats tell them to do at all times, otherwise they will be called racist named.

You either become a slave to the WEF.

Every black person in the US military is instantly a slave to Mark Milley and the DNC\WEF.

THere are no black voices in the DNC, and black people have no representation in the DNC. It's all about what the Rabbinical Jews believe is best for the non Jews.

All non Jews are equally slaves to the Jews.
All non Muslims are equally slaves to the Muslims.
All non homosexuals are NAZIs according to LGBTQ+

Just don't look at the common threat between Jews, Islam, and LGBTQ, you end up at big pharma and Israel.

Killing people for profit is no longer a crime.

The Steele Dossier Conspircy Theory is a crime that will end up choking Nancy Pelosi.

I wanted her to be arrested and her family investigated and brought to justice.

Nancy drowning in liquor is poetic justice, but that is the death she always wanted. An alcoholics death.

The solution according to all of Portland, is to import more niggers and homeless, AND decriminalize hard drugs AND not prosecute any normal basic crimes.
Portland became the home of so many cali faggots and now Portland is reaping that benefit.
Fucking pathetic drug addicted cowards.
I am looking at you Denver. And you Austin. And you San Antonio. And you Reno.

Yeah, meth/heroin isn’t an issue along with your shit counties using one way tickets to portland to be homeless

Just avoid niggers and none of this will ever affect you lol

OP, how about you post something interesting, instead of just whining that poor, poor portland fags are reaping what they have sowed?
You crying that cartels tracked and executed an enemy is stupid. Its a fucking no brainer. That's war. So. What.
Go ask your parents what the Bay area was like before they moved to Portland and shit you out.