I hope you’re happy, Any Forums. Roasties are terrified. Explain yourselves

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What an ugly word. Can't it at least be Utahos?

Perhaps consider using a condom and birth control and maybe not having sex with random strangers but your actual boyfriend.

Sure I'll explain myself, I told the girl that I'm seeing that I just don't give a fuck about babykillers, and she's still by my side.

It's Utahx, bigot


stop being a slag then

> move to a state run by one of the most conservative religious groups in the country
> move to a state that said religious group actually created in the first place

But Tyrone refuses to wear rubbers and eat pussy. What’s a girl to do?

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Why not just use contraceptives if you want to fuck around
Surely, paying like $20 per month should be better than ripping the baby right from your fucking womb, right?

good, they should live in fear instead of babies

>birth control
it fucks with their hormones and gives them a shitty unfriendly personality

Wear a condom.

Have you met women? They have the foresight of wet cardboard.

They’re literally all on birth control anyway. They just want to bitch.
Women love having an excuse to complain or act fearful for attention.

im just saying, dont encourage it. because it makes them terrible people.

I mean, it's what I'm used to from dealing with women here. Most use some sort of birth control. Pills are dirt cheap but apparently not for everyone. My previous gf used some ring she had to stick up her snatch which she had to replace once a month that was apparently not as harmful as regular ass pills and that thing was like €16. You don't even have to give a shit about it more than once a month which should make it doable even for the most retarded woman that can't deal with taking pills daily.
It's simply amazing that burger women tend to constantly seethe over it or just fucking ignore it when not getting pregnant isn't an issue for anyone.

Obviously you don't remember Sandra Fluke

Do women really just spontaneously become pregnant with no forewarning?

Everyday, user. It’s like catching the coof.

Virgin Mary complex
>"HOLY SPIRITS could be here" she thought "I've never gotten pregnant in this village before there could be HOLY SPIRITS anywhere"

Who gives a fuck. Tatted up biker looking hoe

They spelled it all white trashy wrong

It's Utahians

Americans don't know what that means

It's leftover of purifying metal. The impurity that comes out like the cum running down OPs mother's back side leg after bumsex

Mormon adjacent?

It's funny because Abortion is legal up to the third trimester in the most liberal areas here. The USA has the most pozzed fucking localities while Europe has middle of the road social policies that no one really cares to debate and no one is going to Poland and screaming at them for not legalizing abortion. Only in America have later day puritans made a religion out of being a fucking degenerate.

my previous girlfriend was on birth control plasters and she was nice
she stopped using them and she became insufferable to the point of me breaking up with her

it's weird Xiao Ping

You know people who live in babies?

>Roasties are terrified.
I am incredibly pro-abortion, but this is making me reconsider things.

Yeah, I have changed my mind on it. Giving women reproductive choices is exactly why the western world is so fucked up.

>Giving women reproductive choices is exactly why the western world is so fucked up.
No, giving women voting rights is why the western world is so fucked up. Every disaster caused by women can be traced back to allowing them to vote for it to happen.

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And really, if we got rid of women's suffrage, and went back to properly treating them like property, "recreational" abortion would solve itself.

No to Mormonism but I have cousins who are

It's just logical that the subfix would be -ian and not -an.

Are you Mormon? Was it Mormons who thought PK Dick was a prophet?

>PK Dick
I'd rather PK Maybum

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Move back to California lol dumb fucking cunts

Or you know, don’t be a fucking whore about everything. Apparently feminism just means freedom from consequences you fucking perpetual children. Lol women are literally a joke.