This destroys the 'race realist'/'White Nationlist'

>This destroys the 'race realist'/'White Nationlist'

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Yeah I also base my worldview around individual examples. Great point idiot.

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ok jew

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Latinas are white

How can an aryan kid come from a mutt

She's fucking uggo

the hair will turn brown as he grows up, happens a lot

because she is in part white so it might happen and you don't know the father
I was born blonde and now I'm brown haired so yeah

does it though? she's clearly not a bantu ass homo erectus nigger that you would also have us believe is our equal.

Maybe he like older women.

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this destroys the racemixing shill

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How do you do it, bro? How can you be everywhere?


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>>This destroys the 'race realist'/'White Nationlist'
Spamming an attractive half-turkish girl with her full White half brother?

Don't you realise people can google image photos?

you need more athletic tomboys

Stop doxxing my wife and her son.

nah, this one's the best

Same, went from blonde to brown to black

She‘s such a cutie.

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Nice nose too

>mfw i'll never get within a 1000 miles of this

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>tfw I live in her hometown

Maybe I should ask her for a date some day :^)

she's in austria now

It didn't. Race isn't just appearance.