Minorities, women, and marginalized people should be made to ensure the consequences of their mistakes

>minorities, women, and marginalized people should be made to ensure the consequences of their mistakes
>BUT men should be allowed to impregnate anyone and get away with it scot free
Why are chuds like this?

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This is old, and everyone here agreed with it regardless.

Imagine thinking that Any Forums disagrees with this.

Codify in mandatory paternity tests too and lets roll


Not seeing an issue.

Such a bill would only hurt blacks

Everyone already agrees with this. It’s degenerate to have casual sex.

I think that conversation only happened in your head.

Will this force people to get married or strongly discourage non married couples from having kids?

>minorities, women, and marginalized people
>BUT men should be allowed
thanks for pointing out that no minority, woman or marginalized person can ever hope to be a man.

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not like the man had any say in the matter before roe v wade was overturned

>thinking this is an own

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Cope tranny, as if we'd be against this lmao.
Imagine spending your life fighting something and never developing an understanding of who your enemy actually is, such an existence must be torture.

I see nothing wrong with this, stop having made-up arguments in your american head. Why do you assume you know how we think when you clearly don't?

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as if i ever disagreed with this notion in the first place.

Vaxxies are sterilized for good, I can creampie them and they'll seethe as I remain a free man.

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Good. No one should have sex except for a husband and a wife for the purpose of procreation. A man shouldn't have sex unless he can support the resulting family, and a woman shouldn't have sex unless the man she fucks can support a family.

Also, divorce should be illegal and beating your wife (just a little) should be legal.

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If this went through would men in pro-choice states get a say in whether they had an abortion?

Somehow I doubt it.

Lol, this honestly sounds racist. Who do they think gets hit for child support most often?

OP, you gonna admit you got BTFO?

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I would demand a change that any of these must include a paternity test. Otherwise we're good to go.