America appreciation thread, say something nice about america or americans

america appreciation thread, say something nice about america or americans

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i'll start: the best things about america (freedom, liberty, strength) make the worse things about america (black people, crack addicts, and women) worth it.

They smell good.
Most of Europe doesn't bathe

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taiwan numba one

Freedom and capitalism, the two most important things in the world.

I'd like to say you're welcome to every country that isn't us, we are the reason you haven't been railed by Russia

Compared to china Americans have big dicks.

I keep hearing about how America is getting more racist, more antisemitic, etc. but I have yet to see these claimed improvements in my own community.

death to America
bomb the federal reserve
kill Jerome powell
free the people

Muscle cars baby. Give me something that does 4mpg at full throttle with a fuckin' cheeseburger and a cigar.

cheeseburger > pizza

Thank you for George Floyd

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Other countries will through you jail for thought crimes.

You can't say anything about Jews and you think you're free?

They think every American is a Any Forumscel

You're an idiot.


America had a good run

United States has become a vehicle for evil kikery, due to tolerance.

Muricans forgot that freedom isn’t free, and that this country was secured through bloodshed

Excited to see what comes next

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we can say w/e we want about kikes.

There is no conflict in history that flares my autism and that of so many other Americans (and a surprising amount of Germans) like the American Civil War. It signaled the death of old (good) America and was a tragic loss of life, but i'll be damned if it wasn't the most kino war in modern history.
The civil war is Nathan Bedford Forrest pulling a yankee up onto his saddle to get back to the confederate line. It's Jackson flying up and down the valley and the 1st Texas bravely holding against a brigade and taking 80% casualties in a Sharpsburg cornfield.
It was so American in character, naturally. It was fought largely by non career soldiers and the Generals were loud and some of the most charismatic leaders since Alexander. The Europeans watched and two main takeaways were that our lines were sloppy and we could build fortifications faster than any army on earth.

If America goes the right way the Civil War will be revered like the Trojan War. I worry that its too late for that though.

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