Liberal manlette uses (his own?) child to defend himself from bike

Liberal manlette uses (his own?) child to defend himself from bike.

Attached: Untitled.png (526x571, 619.69K)

Another angle. Looks like a vegan.

Attached: Untitled.png (622x507, 626.66K)

I mean I hate faggots and all, but he could have been trying to move her out of the way...

Would have to see video but boy does it look like he's about to cry while shielding himself from harm. Liberals virtue signal while doing nothing in real life.

I mean he probably is hiding behind the kid, I just wouldnt want to make that mistake.

you posted this incorrect information because of the video with the nigger jumping behind kids while being shot at

Why is Paul Watson's forehead becoming non-white.
Did the jews got to him too?

Attached: 1658584465637025.webm (204x360, 408.31K)

amusing but I won't judge the man.

No I just came home from a walk, it's posted on infowars.

that poor ginger cunny deserves a better dad, holy fucking shit. What a coward.

That absolute faggot making the vid is .....really faggotty, weird....his forehead is brown but his face is powdered white. Also his posture or the way he thrusts his chin and botoxed lips into your face is ...bleagh. fuck you op for making me watch this, you goddamn absolute pissguzzling fag

That's a kike.

Seething progressive.

yeah why is he looking distressed.
Dad should remain calm.
like this.

Attached: Cc38e8bWoAAiD6a.jpg (680x539, 103.39K)

What if the girl isn't even his? Hasn't been confirmed. Omg a Jew defending himself with a gentile what if.

He's just scrambling trying to grab his kid. He's not trying to use her as a shield. Sure he looks like a deeeb, but come on. He's trying to move her out of the way, and if there were video of it, I guarantee it'd be clearer.


>Porky on the cellphone in la-la land completely oblivious to the impending danger

he must have a name

Jesus christ you are retarded. Go drink some more piss, maybe you can buy some off that faggot you chose to expose us all now. k bye, going to get tested for monkeypox afteer being in this gay thread

Like all zoomers

white unity shines again

Maybe, now I feel like a judgmental ass.

He didn't get a Text, thus no danger.
>Shut up Mom, there's no Wiki page for what you are saying, so it doesn't exist

Coming from a country where everyone looks like Bjork, fucking seething to no end.

>take pudge boy to the game
>stares at his cell phone the whole time
I would’ve let the bat hit him.

Attached: 896A1459-5138-4A6E-B9FE-BBC8E1FA03BE.jpg (301x167, 6.33K)

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Attached: 337.jpg (1079x1105, 551.54K)

Good work

When did dads get from pic related to this

Attached: dads-saving-kids.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

Somebody on /sp/ did it. I'm only spreading the gospel

>seig heil
>okay sign
The American Goering reveals himself