It´s over Chuds

He's cured. Chuds are finished.

Attached: 296045596_589789165921652_1924994852422247562_n.jpg (1080x1258, 148.62K)

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Cured? So he's no longer gay?

>Those disgusting scars
That doesn't look cured to me.

Needs some vitamin e, hes a Any Forumsfag so those scars should clear up.

all i see is Assy McGee

He's so beautiful, I would die for him.

No, he an heroed

Wow he looks like a massive faggot.

He will grow a beard to hid the mark of the sodomite

>The rimmer of Ukranus

All you have to do is have sex with him. You'll get what you're asking for, if with some delay.

You'll die all right if you come in contact with that faggot.

Who the fuck is that and what the fuck happened to his face.

Too bad women won't have that option :^)


Nobody on this board declared a state of emergency over shingles.

Those scars are gonna last for a long time. Every scratch a mosquito bite raw for example?

He tongued a niggers anus and got mankey ponks.
Everybody know niggers tongue my anus not the other way around.

What’s a chud. Pic related?

Attached: 615AD15E-D914-4340-AB9D-A58EE706ED5D.jpg (983x1024, 205.13K)


faggot pox

You should have seen him before. Or not, if you have trypophobia.

That’s temporary, right?

Attached: gheyPox.png (684x900, 1.07M)

Telling gay men to social distance and not have flippant sexual encounters is inherently homophobic and problematic.