Who remembers the best thing out of leafland

This show was fucking hilarious. Could not be redone now a days.

Attached: qczoji01l0w31.jpg (1920x1080, 141.69K)

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They’re both Jews.

I know still hilarious. Remember the who can be a bigger jew


Kenny's scheme with the blacks. Making Spenny look racist to the maid.

These two were out of control.

Just found out Kenny is reuploading to his YouTube in 4k all of season one there a few season 2 so far.

> much talk, 0 context.

Zoomer detected

He was definitely visited by his grandpa

if you like sasha baron cohen style kyke humor...

best example of kyke goy sadomasocistic relationship they want to push.

I still wonder why they had a garage full of women

Absolutely not


Kenny says kike in the first minute

Kenny had weird obsession of hitler though like he collected nazi stuff lmao

But yeah their show was scripted. Spencer was actually the one who scripted everything and was okey to act like a cuck. Kenny was too busy sniffing coke (thats what i heard from an insider long ago)

My favorite show. Laughed so hard at this espeacily the ep who can impersonate the other better

>watching kikes

Have a drink and lurk newfren

>Spencer was actually the one who scripted everything and was okey to act like a cuck
If you know anything about Spenny's real life, you'll know that it's 100% not an act. He's a legit fuckup.

Spenny is so neurotic and cringe he deserves an oscar if he really just played a role and not himself. The competitions were ofc scripted.

I'm just excited I found out he is reuploading last I knew he had to take them down.

They made a documentary about how they try to find a producer for their movie (and fail). There you see what they're really like. It's called "Pitch".

Spenny is not acting lmao