You're not just supporting Taiwan for the sake of semiconductors

You're fighting for their scantily clad piano playing cosplayers like Pan Piano.

Do you want to see the country get invaded and these piano players get forced to play CCP music on Bilibili?

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 84.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tf does this even mean?


Attached: unnamed2.jpg (640x640, 34.41K)


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96.68K)

sadly Beijing wins

I'm gonna spend most of this month, probably the latter half, creampieing my azn qt wife because we want a second baby.

i care about german piano players only

Attached: sip.jpg (1080x1350, 156.99K)

It means putting the flag in all of your social media usernames and acting like you are on the ground fighting.

Who is this thot and why does she get being posted?

What's this dude drinking? Looks tasty.

what dude?
perfection in human form is a nickname i've stuck with

more like pan face lmao

Taiwan and China are both American colonies. One is more likely to rebel than the other.
Like the British colonies they don't necessarily like each other either.

Why’s he wearing a girls top what a homo

The 13 year old dude in your picture?

I'm not supporting Taiwan.

that's a woman mr wonder

She fucked every man in the football team organization and got fired for it.

says rabbi kikestein

If China had their way she’d be playing a monophonic instrument in a burka

I only support myself and it's hard enough as is, why should I waste ny energy on anyone else? Are you gonna come help me when shit hits the fan? No you aren't so everyone else can go fuck themselves, idgaf.

looks like a teenage dude, who is he?

Just fuck a man at this point

idc, I'm gay

it's a man, and it's being posted by gay faggot

That's a barely pubescent boy and you're a gay 12 yr old.

no thank you

If this poor girl goes missing I think the first place they should look is Romania.

As a proud, gay Leninist Duginist Eurasianist I will say that I hope Taiwan and Globohomo is destroyed. The world needs more Chinese and Russian femboys.

i'm never doing something like that and the fact that anyone believes that really shows how far jewish influence reaches

I want to fucking rape her

He looks like my gay cousin. Rip
