CIA may be the most incompetent covert agency on the planet

A shill made this thread before, putting this twitter bullshit through unfiltered. I wanted to make it clear (thread was archived) what the fuck the blue checkmark lied about.

1. There were exactly two guys from Russia in that group, and they were not soldiers. They were the Russian equivalent of Blackwater.
2. They were rounding up locals for combat, got them riled up because that American base supported ISIS terrorists that burned their homes down, and a few hundred of the townsfolk went to attack the base.
3. We dont know how many people died. We dont know if the two Russians were even there during the airstrike. Rhere may be 0 Russian dead.

The Americans just heard a Russian dude talking on a radio riling them up to attack the base, saw ~200 dudes, and assumed they were all Russian.

This is shit intel work by CIA, and shit reporting, which they somehow turned into a propaganda coup.

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Other urls found in this thread:ýhttps:

Nah Russians are just that shit at actual fighting as we're seeing now in Ukraine. Seethe Chang.

That's a lot of words to say I'm a faggot Ivan.

>have complete air superiority
>still loses half the time

You can't speak, burger

Stfu Russian pig. Leave your slush field so you can get your throat slit by actual whites.

>nooo russian mercs are not russian

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Truth is when you have more money then anyone else it's easy to pwn at the spygame.

We don't have to be better. We just have to buy the best and have them work for us.
Or did you think we really wasted money on a "Predictive A.I"
Your gods follow our orders. The guy in police that would burn your children alive? He's ours.
The guy who shoves mops up people's butts inside of detention cells? Bought.

You better believe anyone selling you food takes orders from us as well. And bullets. America Bought the world decades ago. All we've really been doing this whole time is making sure you come cheap.

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bring banan

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Im proud of you for at least learning English in your new homeland.

the desperation in this post reeks.

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$.10 deposited in your account

Or is it $10 after inflation?

america is the "richest" country in the world
russia is the most powerful

your shitty CIA coups just shit up countries, which honestly is piss easy to do

the prize of ukraine that youve been desperately trying to rip away from russia, is now forever lost because they figured out how to counter your glownigger bullshit, just send actual troops to shoot your paid mercs, and you WILL lose every single time

it "is" pretty baffling to most, but russia is the last nation left on the planet that can do what they want

>This is shit intel work by CIA, and shit reporting, which they somehow turned into a propaganda coup.

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>nooo russian mercs are not russian
If Russians killed a few American mercenaries with a bunch of Ukrainians (they do it every day), they wouldnt go around claiming they slaughtered American soldiers without problems.

This is a weak sissy cope position for shills to take.

Holy mother of cope

Attached: Putin - Kalibre.png (1201x1133, 1.34M)

Im not seeing
>you are wrong and this is how i will prove 300 russian soldiers got killed as the twitter post says

Im just seeing passive aggressive vaginal behavior

If you want an example of american incompetence lookup how hezbollah culled tens of CIA ops in one night a few years back.

>Im just seeing passive aggressive vaginal behavior

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consider the following:

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Power is nothing. Physical troops are nothing. As you have seen.

The guy you paid 20 dollars a month to load the train full of guns? We paid him 10,000 dollars to misplace a box and boom.

Imagine that, times a hundred thousand. At all levels and paygrades. We own them all. You literally could not beat us because the guy telling you to win would decide to loose and take a vacation.

You think i'm joking.

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list of failed CIAnigger glowops in the post90s Russia periphery, exclusively ran to weaken russia
>ukraine (2014 crimea annex)
>ukraine (2022)

CIA cant buy successful ops anymore vs the Russians, stick to blowing up whoever is left in south america, africa, middle east, and asia

shiet, even the Serbs are already acting uppity getting ready to call Kosovo a terrorist state right in front of your NATOcuck shitshow alliance, and youre sitting here pretending you can print money for a way out

you didnt break Russians in the 90s, you wont break them now, especially since the US is on the verge of a catastrophe much worse than the USSR (because the USSR collapse happened in a majority white country)

No link.

Slide thread.

The CIA, like the Pentagon and the DNC and Google\NYT\MSM have no credibility.

All of those stupid treasonous agenies have been caught multiple times publishing fabricated stories for their own agenda.

Its only illegal for non intelligence assets to make up lies and publish it.

The Pentagon\WH and CIA\MSM are under no obligation to say anything truthful at any given time.

Look at the all the crimes of Pelosi\Biden\Obama that are ignored because the US Justice system cannot go after democrats, their connection to chinese, israeli, and russian assets is too great.

Its legal for the DNC to work with London, China, and Russian intelligence to fabricate reports and have illegal investigations, and now a single agency will stop it.

The Pentagon helped Russian Intelligence craft false narratives against Trump.

The Pentagon cannot betray America and the US Constitution forever. It will be destroyed by a great event, but the treasonous joint chiefs of staff always have new rocks and bridges to hide under and wage war against humanity.

Every single employee of the Pentagon will meet a terrible end, and their deaths cannot be investigated because their hatred of America has created a situation where the DNC is allowed to promote false information and hoaxes, terrorism, and insurrection as much as they want.

Every single employee of the DoD and their families are not going to like the outcome their tranny Generals have provided for them.

The Generals sold out every employee so they would sit like a queen and see no sorrow.

just like Pelosi.

Enjoy sleeping with the antiChrist Mark Miilley et al, you will be devoured, first a sickness that cannot be cured or vaccinated. Modern medicine refuses to treat what it denies the world: humanity.
Covid has proven that there is no room for humanity or humility in the business of death.
We all know that the DNC\Pentagon\CCP\Israeli are thick as thieves. Criminals caught in a conspiracy.


>If Russians killed a few American mercenaries with a bunch of Ukrainians (they do it every day), they wouldnt go around claiming they slaughtered American soldiers without problems.
are you stupid or something?
the russian gourge on some retard and sell them as nato special forcesýhttps:

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well yea if it's on reddit, it's propaganda

They didn't fail. They performed splendidly in all cases




> List of failed

Just because you have a list of failures does not mean you have a list of successes. How would you know for sure?
What sector do you work in? I can explain how we would change the policy in less then a paragraph if you like.

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of course
they never wanted assad ousted, or georgians beaten senseless, or ukraine well thats just a piece of land, theres nothing on it

im sure russia will stop where theyre at and not run the war of attrition while suffering virtually no losses, not mobilizing their citizens, being self sustaining etc etc etc

youre not breaking those guys, its actually amazing to watch how much effort is put into all this shit to paint russia as le ebil, Im currently reading more clownworld news about how theyre banning them from globohomo universities now, its so desperate rofl

I personally know russians who live here which is already the "best" country in the world or at least one of it, and they are casually planning on moving back just because of things like not being able to drive a nice big family SUV, kindergartens being filled with jihadis and niggers, and faggotry on the TV

so yeah, ban them from your universities, and maybe destroy the european industry reliant on russian gas some more, maybe eventually itll work out lmao

No need.

They failed in arab spring, chechnya, they failed in georgia, in afghanistan and iraq (gwot), they failed in syria, they failed in turkey and now theyre failing in ukraine. Theyre getting progressively worse with all these diversity hires.

>barely has the courage to link to my post
kek are you peeing in your pants? are you pooping down your pant leg?

You understand that spreading propaganda, often blatant lies and disinfo, to manipulate public opinion is a big part of what the CIA do?

>What sector do you work in?
get a fucking job you dickless NEETlord, dont even try to start larping to me about """sectors""" and working
you literal shit-worm

>kek are you peeing in your pants? are you pooping down your pant leg?
Ohh what a compelling argument.
Listen vatnigger, no one will seriously engage with you if you decide to literally make shit up.

>they never wanted assad ousted or ukraine in the eu
No they didn't. They wanted chaos and refugees and a well timed war in the ukraine, and that's what they got

Dude, it's no use. JewSA and their puppets are all avout chutzpah to the max. And their population is conditioned to such a brainless state, they believe all that bs.