Massive cope from r/Sino insectoids right now...

Massive cope from r/Sino insectoids right now, come watch chinks getting high on copium and laugh at how fucking pathetic they are

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That’s awesome user! See you there.

Return to there and never come back.


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>Would you look at the time! Two more minutes passed!
>Forgot about my inflation crisis, fed insider trading scandals, violent crackdowns on protests and recession yet? No?
>This calls for another reddit thread seething about Chyna!

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Chink mad

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Just a bull in a china shop

China numba one


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Based Redditfren

How do chinks even work out through the mental math that they have to invade taiwan but it's their territory so they shouldn't have to. Seem like a pretty fucking huge contradiction.


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i like how theres always a surprise factor to these videos
the chinks mustve been watching looney toons when they were copying the west

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OP is a jew and only jews benefit from this Taiwan meeting

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Where did the "asians are bugs" thing come from? I think it was an author that said it but I can't remember.

Pelosi is just an evil whore who works for the jews

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